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Dark Light News

Patch V1.1.0.6

Hi Dark Hunters,

Hope you've been enjoying the latest additions to Dark Light, including the new gear mechanics and NG+. We've been working diligently behind the scenes and are thrilled to announce the release of a new patch!

Here's a summary of the recent updates:

Controller Vibration:
We've implemented controller vibration to enhance your gameplay experience. Feel the impact as you attack, use skills, or take hits from enemies. Of course, we understand that preferences may vary, so we've included the option to disable vibration if desired.

Refined Movement Controls:
Both keyboard and controller users can now enjoy a smooth transition from normal to slow running speed. Keyboard players have the additional choice of "hold to run slow" or "hold to run fast." And for those who prefer a constant pace, the "always run" option is now available.

Dynamic Drone Camera:
Shifting your drone will now trigger the camera to follow, granting you a broader view of the surroundings.

Improved Control Page UI:
We've made enhancements to the control customization page, ensuring a more user-friendly experience.

Redesigned Knight Faction Gate:
You'll now encounter a visually improved gateway that aligns better with your Dark Light journey.

Loading Screen Artwork:
Prepare yourself for an immersive experience with our newly added loading screen artwork. This visually feature sets the tone as you eagerly await entry into the game.

Easy Climbing:
Added outline for climbable ladders and ropes.

Game Improvements:
Enhanced game optimization, resulting in smoother gameplay.

Bug Fixes:
• Resolved the issue where the Alaska quest failed to reward health properly.
• Rectified the problem with throwable achievements not functioning as intended.
• Addressed the concern where the currency value of gear vendors was obstructing the selling process.

Thank you for your continued support and valuable feedback. We strive to improve the gaming experience, and your input is invaluable in achieving that goal.

We’d also like to take the opportunity to announce the launch of our brand-new Dark Light Fandom site, where you can discover all the juicy details about the game!

We’d also like to take the opportunity to announce the launch of our brand-new Dark Light Fandom site, where you can discover all the juicy details about the game!

Rest assured that we'll be consistently updating the site with additional information

If you're new to Dark Light, we invite you to explore our website for valuable tips and tricks to get you started on your gaming journey.

Wishing you thrilling adventures in the world of Dark Light!
We would greatly appreciate your constructive reviews to assist us in our growth.

Mirari Team

Patch V1.1.0.5

Hi everyone,

Just to inform you about a recent small patch that has been released.
Here are the changes made:

  • The invincibility issue with the Woolf boss has been fixed.
  • The incorrect item in the gear vendor located in the knight faction town has been rectified.
  • Wolf captain Apachi has been balanced.
  • The issue with the Butcher achievement not functioning properly has been resolved.

Thank you for your attention.
Mirari Team

Major Update V1.1

Hi Dark Hunters,

Over the past three months, we have poured countless hours and unwavering commitment into developing the Major Update V1.1 for our game. Today, we can finally deliver this update to you.
We apologize for any waiting you may have endured, and we genuinely appreciate your patience
and support.

In this major update, we have introduced two groundbreaking features that we are hoping to elevate
your gaming experience to new heights: the revolutionary Gear System and the thrilling addition of New Game+.

New Gear System

We have meticulously designed and implemented over 100 unique Cyberware gears, categorized into six distinct types: head, eye, arm, chest, belt, and leg. Each gear is assigned a ranking from 1 to 5, providing a wide range of enhancements in various aspects of your character's abilities, including health, energy, mana, defense, attack, elemental skills, and much more. By defeating enemies and bosses, you will have the chance to acquire these invaluable gears through random drops. For those seeking immediate empowerment, gears can also be purchased from the Cargo Bay and Faction towns if you have amassed enough wealth. With the freedom to customize and experiment, you can create the perfect combination of gears that suits your playstyle and preferences.

To ensure no gear goes to waste, we have also implemented a Gear Shop where you can trade any unused gears for valuable resources.

In additional, the cyberware introduces a another feature that transcends the limitations of skill levels, empowering you to enhance your abilities beyond their maximum thresholds and attain unprecedented levels of strength. Furthermore, this cutting-edge cyberware grants you access to skills from other factions, broadening your repertoire and enabling you to wield a diverse array of formidable capabilities.

New Game+

Upon emerging victorious against the formidable final boss, a momentous decision awaits you. You will be presented with a compelling choice: whether to embark on a thrilling journey through Nightmare mode, where the game unfolds once again, but this time, with intensified challenges that will test your mettle like never before. Brace yourself, for in Nightmare mode, every enemy and boss you encounter will exhibit unprecedented strength, demanding an even greater display of your own prowess. However, fear not, for this arduous path is reserved for those who have truly grown in power and skill. As you navigate through this harrowing realm, your efforts will be generously rewarded with an abundance of fortunes and the acquisition of superior gears. Prepare to push your limits, for Nightmare mode offers a chance to forge an indomitable legacy within the game's unforgiving landscape.

As you start the path of Nightmare mode, it is vital to note that the very fabric of the game will undergo a transformative reset. Maps and quests will began anew. Once you take this step, there will be no turning back. However, fear not, for your hard-earned fortunes, honed skills, and prized items will remain steadfast at your side, serving as a testament to the challenges you have overcome.

Recommendations for seasoned players entail acquiring advantageous equipment from the standard mode prior to delving into the harrowing realms of the nightmare mode.

New Weapon

Within this momentous update, you will be able to obtain the longed-for dual plasma blade. They are imbued with celestial technology and reserved only for elite warriors. Hold the attack button to unleash a powerful dash attack and claim victory on the battlefield.

Player attributes

Furthermore, we have broadened the scope of player attributes. In addition to Vitality (Health) and Endurance (Energy), players now have the opportunity to enhance their characters through the augmentation of Strength (Melee attack), Agility (Range attack), Faith (Lightning skill), Intellect (Mana) and Blood (Blood skill).

New NPC: Battle Master Warrick

Introducing a formidable ally, Warrick, the esteemed battle master who possesses the ability to reshape your very attributes. With his arrival, a realm of limitless potential unfolds before you, allowing for the transformation of your character's core abilities and attributes.

Should you seek to redefine yourself, to tread upon a new path adorned with different attributes and abilities, Warrick stands ready to assist you. Through the use of either currency or the sacred "Absolution Seed" item, a unique and rare artifact, you can engage in a profound exchange with Warrick himself. Discover him amidst the bustling expanse of the Cargo Bay.

Redesigned Drone Skill Tree

The drone skill tree has undergone a comprehensive redesign, seamlessly merging the Knight and Wolf factions. Upon embarking on your journey, you will have the opportunity to peruse the skill tree, gaining insight into the distinct paths available for development. Additionally, we have introduced skill levels, allowing you to delve deeper into the mastery of your preferred abilities.

Featuring Control Hint Page

We have dded a control hint page specifically tailored for users utilizing controllers.

Improving and bug fix

In addition to introducing a plethora of exciting new features, we have diligently worked alongside our community to enhance and refine the game. Here are the notable improvements and bug fixes that have been incorporated:

-Enhanced loading speed by implementing background loading prior to the main menu page.

-Resolved the issue causing a delay in the menu UI.

-Rectified the problem where the witch boss failed to drop the key as intended.

-Refined the flame attack damage collider of the final boss, rendering it easier for players to evade.

-Addressed several English typographical errors, courtesy of our valued community members.

What’s Next…

Following this morjor update, we anticipate the release of a series of minor patches aimed at resolving any lingering issues. Subsequently, our focus will shift towards the porting of the game to consoles, while simultaneously preparing for the highly anticipated debut of the first DLC.
Please stay tuned for further notifications.

Finally, we sincerely appreciate your support by connecting with us on Twitter, becoming a member of our Discord community, and providing your invaluable feedback through constructive reviews.

Mirari Team

Patch V1.0.5.7

Hi All,

We have just released a small patch to address a minor issue pertaining to the range weapon “The Last Breath – Dragon Revolver”. Previously, this weapon had a possibility of rendering enemies invincible. We have quickly fixed it and ensure that it will no longer occur.

In addition, we would like to take this opportunity to provide an update on our ongoing efforts to enhance your gaming experience. We are diligently working on the development of New Game+, which will introduce a challenging mode with more formidable enemies, new weapons and enhanced player upgrades.

Furthermore, we are also in the process of creating an entirely new Cyberware gear system that we believe will truly elevate your gaming journey.

Stay tuned for further updates, follow us on Titter and join us on Discord

Thank you for your continued support!

Patch V1.0.5.6

Hi All,

We greatly appreciate the feedback provided by our community as well as the helpful video from SoulReave which enabled us to address an urgent bug causing players to become stuck in the Butcher's room. We are now continuing our work on the new game+ where exciting features await - be sure to follow us on Twitter for the latest news and updates!

