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  3. Morels: The Hunt Update Coming Soon! Morels 2 Soundtrack and Game Release!

Morels: The Hunt Update Coming Soon! Morels 2 Soundtrack and Game Release!

We are excited to announce that to go along with the release of Morels: The Hunt 2 on April 17th, we will also be releasing an update to the original game. This update will feature some of the new features from the second game. We are also excited to announce we will be releasing the original soundtrack to Morels: The Hunt 2 on April 17th as well. All releases and updates will go live at 10am CST that day.

[h2]Morels: The Hunt 1 updates coming on April 17th.[/h2]

[h3]Footprints where you have been on the map.[/h3]

[h3]Daily morel counts and daily record.[/h3]

[h3]Option to turn off spiders and make them bunny balls.[/h3]

Will lighten dark shaded areas and darken the brightness of the sun.

[h3]Music will no longer default to looping the same song over and over again.[/h3]
Music will now play the default song for the map first and then continue on to an acoustic playlist of songs by default.

[h3]Redwoods morels location bug fix.[/h3]
There was a bug that was causing morel locations in the Redwood Forest map to spawn in new locations everyday instead of the same locations. This should be fixed in this update.

[h2]Link to the Morels: The Hunt 2 Soundtrack Steam Page if anyone is interested.[/h2]

Thank you so much for all of the support and we can not wait to share the new game and these updates with you on April 17th!

-The Abrams Studios Team