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Quantumleaper News

A Literally RANDOM Update? - Version 1.2.2

Hello, people out there,

This update corrects some minor bugs but it also addresses a small problem which has been around since version 1.0: Random number generation.

I won't go into all the technical details of pseudorandom number generation (it's not hard to find more info on this subject if you are interested), the important factor to understand here is that computers are not capable of creating random numbers out of nowhere. The best you can do is simulate randomness with algorithms that return streams of bits that are apparently not correlated to each other.

But no matter how complex the algorithm used to generate a sequence of numbers is, it will rely on determistic operations running on a finite set of states, meaning the resulting sequence is not truly random.

Nonetheless, the quality of pseudo RNG algorithms will vary and the best fit for a game will depend on how critical randomness is in its gameplay.

Now, believe it or not, none of the gameplay elements in Quantumleaper rely on pseudo RNG. Despite some of them seeming apparently random (like some enemy projectiles or the AI of some bosses) they are all created using internal counters and modulated trigonometric functions (which is just a fancy way to say they may look messy but they still form a pattern, much like fireworks in real life).

That is not to say that pseudo RNG is not used anywhere, some visual effects do rely on them, and that's where one of the issues addressed in this update was found:

The first picture uses the previous RNG, which didn't generate any randomness for this particular type of particle. The second picture uses a new RNG. It's important to note that, prior to version 1.2, these smoke particles were rendered using a simple static texture. Therefore, the problem wasn't apparent until very recently.

The function I was using up to this point is infamous among C and C++ developers for being a low quality choice. I was aware, but I thought I could get away with it because it was used only for visual effects. Then it broke a visual effect, who'd imagine that? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Anyway, this was just one of the modifications, here are the remaining changes and corrections included in version 1.2.2:
  • The information text for Trigger Strands was corrected (it had the word "described" misspelled as "discribed");
  • It was possible to make red lasers cross solid walls by saving and reloading the game in specific locations. This is now corrected;
  • Hitting the floor makes slightly less noise now;
  • Hitting the floor while underwater makes a distinct sound now;
  • The geometry of multiple locations in the game levels has been refined.

If you are wondering about what types of change you should expect in the levels, here is an exemple:

I know what meme is your mind right now and no, they are not the same picture! These changes are subtle, but I intend to add more and more detail to the levels throughout the next round of updates.

As always, feel free to make suggestions, report an issue, give a compliment or just acknowledge my humble existence.

And if you are also a developer, do yourself a favor: stay away from rand()!

Achievement updates and bug fixes

Hello, everybody!

With all the new content on version 1.2, you'd expect some new achievements would also pop up, right? Yes, but adding them just for the sake of increasing numbers is just boring. That's why I dedicated some extra time after release just to review the old achievements, elaborate new ones and redraw all icons.

The following achievements had their unlocking methods modified:
  • Quantum Eraser changed from "Destroy 1000 enemies." to "Destroy every automaton on Sector 86: Abandoned Factory.";
  • Representative Sample changed from "Grab 1000 non-renewable vials." to "Grab all vials on Sector 85: Destillery.";
  • Biophysics changed from "Find a Life Plate." to "Find 3 Life Plates.".

The Biophysics achievement got a bit harder because Life Plates are easier to get since version 1.2. Getting at least one through regular gameplay is guaranteed now, it would make the achievement progress based (which would be pointless since there are already achievements to cover game progress).

Quantum Eraser and Representative Sample were grind based to a certain extent. The game is long enough so that you will almost certainly get them before you finish. Even then, they were based on your global statistics so, you'd eventually get them even if you just replayed the same section over and over. Their new requirements were carefully chosen to help you uncover new secrets on their respective levels when you decide to unlock them.

Besides these modifications, 7 new achievements were added, You can check them all here. Notice that some of them are based on collecting items but they all involve unique items, not repetitive tasks.

Also, all achievement icons were redesigned. They are now 256x256 pixels and have a metallic theme that classifies the achievements according to their difficulty.

I almost forgot, this post is also about bug correction! These are the issues fixed and modifications done in version 1.2.1:
  • The cutscene on Sector 85: Contention Area had a VFX which upon initialization had a 1 in 8 chance of accessing an invalid place in memory which then could cause a random crash;
  • The animation of cloudy skies had a noticeable discontinuity when a loop was completed (after about 7 minutes);
  • There was a visible seam on one of the skyboxes;
  • When changing from Borderless Window to Regular Window, the application icon would not show up in the title bar;
  • Changes in video configuration made in game thorugh the Settings menu are now saved as soon as a new configuration is applyed (before this change, permanent modifications related to video had to be done outside the game via game launcher).

Now we are done! Thanks everyone who bought the game during the two recent sales, you made me really happy! For those of you who actually added the game to their wishlists while it was already 90% off... I can totally understand, you probably want to see some user reviews first. That's the one thing that is out of my hands, but if you are patient, I can guarantee there will be other sales in the future.

That's it for now!

Quantumleaper: Strand of Divisions

Hello, players!

Today I want to share some of the new features added in version 1.2. This update is huge, almost every graphical asset was redone, the graphics engine was rewritten, a completely new category of item was created and even the game physics was refined. I mean, just take a look for yourself:

This update is important enough to get a subtitle: Strand of Divisions. But what does any of that mean? Let's start with the Strands, the main new mechanic!

Strands are permanent items that can be acquired throughout the game. They unlock different abilities and come in a variety of types. Some of them add permanent boosts while others have to be equiped in order to be used. Notice there is a new battery indicator in the HUD, equiped Strands will usually consume some amount battery in order to be activated.

Take for example the Spinning Blade, it's a Technique Strand. Once it is plugged in and charged, it can be used to perform a special attack:


There are also Trigger Strands. They activate when an specific condition is fulfilled. The Evasive Leap, for example, will force a leap when you are about to take damage:


Assist Strands provide a temporary advantage. Check how Overclock can be used to make dodging obstacles and fighting enemies a lot easier:


There are over 30 other Strands to be collected in the game. Obviously, you can't use them all at the same time! You will start with only two slots but that can be expanded. Did you notice the enemies now drop little coins? Those are Segments. Besides recharging your battery, segments can be used to upgrade your Strands and buy new slots and other items later on.

All these new mechanics are tied to the game story, but I think that's something that is better experienced by playing the game itself (also, it's where the "Divisions" part comes into play!).

Finally, I'd like to apologize. Remember last time, when I said "I'll be sharing more details soon" and then disappeared for almost two years? Yeah, I'm really sorry for that! I've been silently working on this update the whole time. But what apology is better than 90% off for the whole week? (I know, 100% is better, but I must set limits)

As always, you can reach me for any issues that may arise. I hope you have a lot of fun with Quantumleaper: Strands of Divisions!

That's it for now, see ya!

Big Update on the way!

Hello, players!

It's been a while since the last update. Back in february, version 1.12 left the game with no known bugs. So, did you think I would just stop working after that? No way!

I've been making a lot of improvements thoughout this year, they will be all released at once on version 1.2. Almost every graphical asset is being remade and new combat mechanics are being added in order to open possibilities for different playstyles, allowing you to trade skill and reflexes for strategy and resource management as you see fit.

Here are some screenshots:

I'm really excited for this update and I'll be sharing more details soon!

For those who added Quantumleaper to their wishlists, I apologize for the lack of discounts in 2020! I'm putting them on hold until version 1.2 is ready, but I promisse I'll make up for that when it's released. Thank you for your support!

Happy New Year!

Minor Improvements and Bug Corrections - Version 1.12

Version 1.12 is out!

This version brings the following modifications and improvements:
  • The buttons assigned to the main commands are now displayed during the intro level as soon as each of them become available;
  • The "XInput" prefix was removed from the names of the XBox One controller buttons;
  • The default button for Superposition is now the L-Trigger instead of the A button. For generic controllers, it's now the Button 5 (which is usually also the lower left shoulder button);
  • It's now possible to skip the "Zombie Cat is typing..." indicator during dialogs;
  • Zombie Cat's messages can only be skipped after being displayed for a few frames (to prevent accidental skips when the player actually intends to skip the indicator);
  • Some dialogs had lines that were automatically skipped when a character was interrupted while talking. This was intended as a way to make dialogs more dynamic, but it was generally received as a frustrating feature so, it was removed;
  • The first yellow platform on the intro level was positioned a bit higher so that the player can explore the upper floor earlier to view all of the puzzle components (this doesn't change the solution itself);
  • Part of the final puzzle of Sector 42 was modified, the wormhole loops on the narrow passages were removed. They didn't add to the puzzle complexity and the method to escape them, although simple, wasn't obvious. That would lead players to just move randomly until they got to the side they wanted and then tell me that made them mad.

In addition, the following bugs were corrected:
  • The Attack command was mistakenly enabled after the first green door was openend (therefore, before Alexander is told he has a sword);
  • Quickly entering and leaving a zone that has dynamic camera movement could cause sudden camera repositioning (instead of a smooth transition);
  • Sometimes, for a very brief moment, spinning blades could play their sound effects even when they were out of the hearing range;
  • When two yellow switches were close enough, it was possible to throw a yellow crystal in such a way that it would reach the activation range of both switches at the same time. That would cause one switch to activate properly and the other one to be stuck on a permanent inactive state;
  • Quiting the game in the Main Generator area and then imediately loading another playthrough in an area that share visual assets with it would cause this new area to draw its lamps turned off;
  • Shadow spikes reloaded from a chepoint recovery would stop causing damage.

So, did I miss something? You can yell at the developers* here!!! :D

*There is just one developer, you can still yell at him** though.
**He is actually me. Also, I get scared when people yell at me. Please, don't do it.