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V64 What is best in life?

[h3]A new era dawns. The greatest gaming event of 1999 is here. Song of Syx has a new patch.[/h3]

Oh, where to begin, it's been so long, and I've forgotten what I've done, and lost the patch-notes in a game of poker. But basically, it's been all about the world map, and adding a sort of 4X experience to go along with the city builder. We now have proper generation, proper factions that are alive, proper everything world related on steroids!
No video this time, my mic broke. But here's the thumbnail:

Here's a neighbouring king, and his heirs. He will like you differently depending on his characteristics, and your history together. You can interact with him through diplomacy.

You can also send emissaries to keep him and his heirs happy. If he makes a fuss, assassination is an option.

You now have much greater control over your realm, with proper buildings, shamelessly ripped from the total war franchise (before they had the good sense of streamlining it).

I've also added a few things to the city building experience, features, fixes and quality of life. Orchards for instance.

There's still a bit missing that I didn't have time to add to the World. Most notably anything regarding armies. That's on the to-do list for the next version.

Next up, I want to do another polish update, focusing on the city map. I have a lot of plans, you can see them here: Trello

Overall, I'm exited, we're closing in on 1.0. I have only nobles left as a major feature, and of course a mountain of polish and balance.

EA 64 has to be checked out manually in steam for now, as a “beta”. I'm very curious about the balance late game, and how the AI conducts diplomacy and decides to take you on, so let me know, I'll be here, and on the Discord

The previous version is now available as the demo, for those of you who are still waiting for a sale or whatnot, so have a look at that.

Now go forth and conquer the world!