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  3. Steamless Aurum! + encryption

Steamless Aurum! + encryption

I wasn't able to create a new update for some time but here it comes.
It will stay in beta for this week and be pushed over to public next week.

It's quite an important change actually, you can now use Aurum without having to run steam simultaniously. You have to start it next to Aurum at least once a week to refresh.
Note there might be a better solution in future.
If you want to close steam after both started, you can add a button to your GUI with: "powershell stop-process -name steam" (without quotes) to kill steam.

Also Aurum now got user content encryption, to ensure art is not being distributed openly.

Hope you like it, I created Aurum to be able to create my own OS frontend and have all features easily reachable.