1. XSOverlay
  2. News
  3. 297 Beta Changelog

297 Beta Changelog

  • Added: Ability to turn off the Wrist Overlay. This is under the Wrist Behavior category. Translation strings have also been added for this option to the English json.

  • Added: Ability to turn off windows aiming at the hand and rolling when moving. This is under the Window Behavior Category. This will make windows move and rotate 1:1 with your hand. Strings have also been added to the English json for this option.

  • Removed: Window Space Center Indicator. Will probably come up with a better indicator in the future.

This build is nearing release candidate state, there are a few things on my list that I absolutely must scratch off before releasing.

Those being:
Refocusing the game you're in when exiting layout mode.

Fixing input modifiers being valid from both controllers, as the expected behavior should be that the modifiers only work on the controller sending the input to the desktop.

Finally, fixing the issue where the hand controlling the mouse will swap between both hands when clicking while both hands are hovering over the desktop.

Once these are fixed, I plan to move that build over to live.