1. Deathbloom: Chapter 2
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  3. Special Sale on Deathbloom: Chapter 2

Special Sale on Deathbloom: Chapter 2

Continue your journey through Bachman Manor as you inch closer to freedom, or towards your mysterious friend Christina and her candle-lit secrets. Going deeper into the estate reveals more locations like the Abandoned Wing, Lower House, and the bunker complex "Salvation".


[h2]Classic Survival Horror[/h2]

  • Continue your journey through Bachman Manor and find the conclusion to the horrors within.
  • Arm yourself with 10 different weapons, each hidden throughout the dark rooms and dusty corridors.
  • New and original enemies stalk the Manor seeking to drag you into its pits.
  • Search for supplies, secrets areas, and letters to increase your chances of survival.
  • Find your mysterious friend “Christina” while she helps you with her candles.
  • Avoid the mists of “Deathbloom” or be pulled into a hallucinatory state between life and death.

[h2]More of the Manor[/h2]

Explore new regions of the Manor, more dark and dangerous than ever before. Filled with puzzles, traps, and hidden passageways that keep the player exploring and solving its secrets.

[h2]More Guests[/h2]

You are not alone, the occupants and even manifestations of Bachman Manor itself keep the player running, hiding, or fighting for their life.