1. Assemble with Care
  2. News
  3. Surprise! Assemble With Care is now on Android!

Surprise! Assemble With Care is now on Android!

[h3]We're incredibly excited to announce that Assemble With Care is going to be playable and available for more players than ever before, launching on Android devices for the very first time! 🎉[/h3]

With this new release, the game is available entirely free to start - so if you're a big fan of Assemble on Steam, but have never tried the touch controls, download today and check it out!

And by the way, that means Assemble With Care is available for everyone - no Apple Arcade subscription required on mobile any longer.

We hope these changes will mean more people than ever will discover Assemble With Care! If you're a fan of the game but haven't had a chance to play on mobile, check it out, or let your friends know there's a new way to play!

Check out the trailer here


To download Assemble With Care on IOS or Android - Click here: https://go.ustwo.games/awc

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