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Edengrall News


Added Invert Mouse X/Y to Gameplay settings

The fairy finding a fish you never caught now has a cooldown just like the critter equivalent action

Friday Progress Report 361

This week we have added new Fairy idle animations and the ability for the Fairy to detect critters you haven't collected yet, marking them for you, as well as shimmering critters, making the critter collection aspect of the game a bit easier.

This week we are going to focus on more direct Fairy Interaction, the F key, used to focus the camera on the Fairy will work as a contextual fairy command, tap F while focusing the camera on something will order the fairy to interact with it, this will be mostly for critters and forage, but she will also interact with farm plots by irrigating/healing plants. Holding F will still focus the camera on the Fairy btw.

Later we will add headpatting and scolding actions, that will be used by the player to mold fairy behavior, how exactly they will be implemented will depend on a few tests we will be doing, but it will likely be through the Fairy camera,

Asides from that we have a lot of planned animations and interactions, here a sneak peak of some of them.


Added a UI slider to increase/decrease the size of the toolbar

Fairies will no longer pay attention to non shimmering critters you already have collected
Rarer critters are more likely to get the fairy attention now
Seeds now give more or less stacks of seeds rather than bigger or smaller stacks, eliminating unusable tiny seed stacks
Fairies no longer go into AFK animations when your cursor is visible, that should stop them from jumpscaring when you use your inventory

Fixed a regression where forageables were no longer cutting grass around them
Fairies no longer move when time is accelerated (sleep, autocook, etc), that should stop them from going through walls into oblivion


Reduced the cooldown for the fairy to notice critters from 8 to 2 hours

Fixed a small chance of the fairy getting stuck after loading
Fixed an issue where you would keep your fairy and multiple jumps spell if you loaded into a save before you had a fairy
Fixed an issue that made quicksave notifications last 20 times longer than intended


Added fairy AFK animations
Added the fairy cam key (hold F to see the fairy face)
The fairy can now spot shimmering critters
The fairy can now spot critters you haven't collected yet

Fixed some nullpointers regarding loading at specific moments
Fixed nullpointers regarding custom characters
Fixed some memory leaks