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  3. Upcoming Updates

Upcoming Updates

Hi everyone!

We've been a bit silent lately, so I wanted to share a few things of what's to be expected in future updates.

First of all, the game will be available on other platforms in the near(ish) future, notably Switch and Xbox.
With their release the game will also have a new Global Cross-platform Leaderboard!

Other than that we are working hard on polishing up all the graphical assets of the game, so expect some new amazing pixel work coming up!

Finally, the game will receive a new super boss - restricted to Hard difficulty and it might be a reference to something. :)

Other notable things are:
-Many new Ship Skins to choose from.
-A couple new gameplay options, including Autofire.
-Some balance adjustments and fixes.
-Engine upgrade

Things not just yet coming with the next update, but confirmed:
Loadout system and polished UI/Menus

And that's it for now, thank you everyone for still supporting and enjoying the game!