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  2. News

Crocotile 3D News


v.2.3.6 (April 18, 2024)
  • Added: "Select Overlapping Faces" action in the Edit mode context-menu. Right-click the viewport in Edit mode and go to Faces > Select > "Select Overlapping Faces" to use this action.
  • Improved: Dragging a vertex will now choose a selected vertex first if dragging from a group of overlapping vertices. If none are selected, it will choose a vertex belonging to a selected face. If no faces are selected, it will just choose the first unselected vertex.
  • Fixed: If vertex color space was set to sRGB, it wouldn't export vertex colors correctly in the .DAE format.
  • Fixed: If "Disable Vertex Selection" was enabled you would still be able to select/move vertices with WASD keys if mouse hadn't moved after clicking it.
  • Fixed: If importing a model with an extension that used capital letters, it would fail to load.

Remember to report any bugs you may encounter!

Check the Gallery to see creations by Crocotile users: http://www.crocotile3d.com/gallery
Also, there is a Discord server where Crocotile users can chat: https://discord.gg/fmtJdUb
Watch youtube videos demonstration Crocotile 3D: Youtube channel
Consider supporting via Patreon!


v.2.3.5 (March 21, 2024)
  • Added: Exporting Dae files with vertex colors will now include the alpha value.
  • Added: Render Movie panel now has background color options for Gif format, including a transparent option.
  • Added: "Use Transparent mode for Tilebrush" to Edit > Settings > Draw mode. If this is enabled, the Tilebrush will use the same transparent mode of the Tileset.
  • Improved: Importing models should handle nested meshes better. The imported model will still be combined into one object however.
  • Improved: Steam users that run Crocotile without Steam running can activate Crocotile after logging into Steam (without closing Crocotile). Previously, Steam had to be running first before starting Crocotile.
  • Fixed: When selecting UV animations, the tilebrush wouldn't display any changes, making it unclear which UV animation was currently chosen.
  • Fixed: Exported .obj files would sometimes create wrong texture dimensions when using the power of 2 option and possibly in other cases too.
  • Fixed: Reset button in Spin Gif panel wasn't resetting the color.

Remember to report any bugs you may encounter!

Check the Gallery to see creations by Crocotile users: http://www.crocotile3d.com/gallery
Also, there is a Discord server where Crocotile users can chat: https://discord.gg/fmtJdUb
Watch youtube videos demonstration Crocotile 3D: Youtube channel
Consider supporting via Patreon!


v.2.3.4 (March 9, 2024)
  • Fixed: In some cases loading a project that has Objects with Skinning enabled would position the skeleton incorrectly (the root bone would be posed incorrectly).
  • Fixed: If tiles were moved/rotated without changing the vertex geometry auto-flatten would still apply. Now it shouldn't if the geometry doesn't change shape.

Remember to report any bugs you may encounter!

Check the Gallery to see creations by Crocotile users: http://www.crocotile3d.com/gallery
Also, there is a Discord server where Crocotile users can chat: https://discord.gg/fmtJdUb
Watch youtube videos demonstration Crocotile 3D: Youtube channel
Consider supporting via Patreon!


v.2.3.3 (February 29, 2024)
  • Added: "Auto-Flatten UVs when editing Vertices" option in Edit > Settings > Edit Mode section. If enabled, it will basically adjust the UV coordinates of the vertices as you are transforming/editing them in the 3d scene, expanding or contracting the UVs so that they match the shape of the geometry. You can also set/pin a keybinding for "Toggle Auto Flatten" in Edit > Buttons > Edit Mode, which will toggle this mode on/off.
  • Added: "Select tiles (UVs contain mouse position)" in context-menu of UVs panel. This will select tiles in the scene that have UVs overlapping the current mouse position in the UVs panel.
  • Fixed: Rendering a movie with an Act that has no length would cause it to get stuck if there were UV animations used in the scene. It wasn't able to calculate which UV frame to render when the Act was empty.
  • Fixed: .mtl files couldn't use texture names with commas. Now exporting .obj files will remove any invalid characters.
  • Fixed: Importing a scene while editing an object would cause imported objects to place tiles into the edited object instead. Now it will exit editing objects before importing.
  • Fixed: If crosshair wasn't at 0,0,0 then importing scenes wouldn't import objects correctly. Now it will auto-set the crosshair to 0,0,0 as a workaround.

Remember to report any bugs you may encounter!

Check the Gallery to see creations by Crocotile users: http://www.crocotile3d.com/gallery
Also, there is a Discord server where Crocotile users can chat: https://discord.gg/fmtJdUb
Watch youtube videos demonstration Crocotile 3D: Youtube channel
Consider supporting via Patreon!


v.2.3.2 (February 21, 2024)
  • Improved: Primitive Brush tool will now show a wireframe if wireframe mode is enabled.
  • Fixed: Adding bones to a Skeleton wouldn't update correctly in some cases, causing skin weights to not correctly apply until project was saved and reloaded.
  • Fixed: When clicking objects with local axis aligned mode enabled, Tilt mode would stay tilted in some cases.
  • Fixed: After editing the properties of a Spotlight, the visual helper lines wouldn't update immediately.

Remember to report any bugs you may encounter!

Check the Gallery to see creations by Crocotile users: http://www.crocotile3d.com/gallery
Also, there is a Discord server where Crocotile users can chat: https://discord.gg/fmtJdUb
Watch youtube videos demonstration Crocotile 3D: Youtube channel
Consider supporting via Patreon!