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  3. SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada – CBT FAQ


SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada Closed Beta Test FAQ

[h3]What are the Minimum/Recommended System Requirements?[/h3]

The Minimum/Recommended System Requirements are listed in the Steam System Requirements.

  • Minimum specs allow for 1080p/30fps gameplay
  • Recommended specs allow for 1080p/60fps gameplay

Large player numbers in a multiplayer game or on some maps that have not been optimized may affect the stability of the CBT.

We will make adjustments to improve this in the launch version, but please be aware of this during the Closed Beta Test.

[h3]When will maintenance be performed during the Closed Beta Test?[/h3]

We will be conducting maintenance during the following time period: March 29, 2024, 4:00 a.m. GMT – March 29, 2024, 8:00 a.m. GMT

The maintenance period will be extended as follows.
  • Maintenance period before extension: Friday, 2024/3/29 4:00 GMT - 8:00 GMT
  • Maintenance period after the extension: Friday, 2024/3/29 4:00 GMT - 10:00 GMT

Maintenance Details:
  • Maintenance end time may change without prior notice.
  • Users cannot log in or play during maintenance.
  • Please refrain from playing around the start time of maintenance.
  • You will not be able to start a sortie 30 minutes prior to maintenance.
  • Those on a sortie must return to base to their base 10 minutes (March 29, 2024, 3:50 a.m. GMT) before maintenance starts, or it will count as an emergency bailout. With an emergency bailout, the user's exploration is forfeited, and all inventory items will be lost.

Warnings for maintenance will be made intermittently, beginning 15 minutes prior to maintenance. Please return when the announcement is made so you can retain your items.

[h3]What is the forced exit before maintenance?[/h3]

When maintenance is scheduled, users who are currently on a mission will be forced to leave 10 minutes before the maintenance is scheduled.
Users who are currently on the move will receive an announcement in the upper left corner of the screen 15 minutes, 10 minutes, 5 minutes, and 60 seconds before forced exit takes place.

When the announcement appears, please hurry to the return elevator and return before the indicated time elapses.

If you do not return by 10 minutes before the start of maintenance, you will be forced to leave. Please note that if you are forced to leave, your ship will be destroyed and all items equipped during the sortie and items obtained in the search will be lost.

The screenshots are from the development stage.

In the closed beta test, there are some functions that cannot be used and the contents may differ from the product version.