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Shadowforge News

Patch 10.3 FIX

Fixed eyedrop crash (certainly made an appearance asap when painting tiled).
Fixed canvas size creation crash and made QoL fixes for it.

Shadowforge 10.3

Fixed saving animation frames all the way from 1 to 24, as single .png frames. It now writes the number 1 to the first animation image frame, and not 2 anymore. Also saw that I made some mistakes on this function and redacted it.

Hopefully, the sprite tiling is fixed and will not crash the client anymore. I think it had to with pressing ALT + N too many times, so I made ALT + N to on/off polarities.

Shadowforge 10.2

Mini Palette is back if you want to plan what colors to paint with.

Patch 10.1 FIX

Everything in patch 10.1 is working like it should now. Sorry to have kept you waiting. You can now return to your happy animating frames that need that extra 5 more links.

Patch 10.1

All animation frames functions now have five new links. This means that there are five new interactable animation frames.

The writeable font text (uploaded or built-in) is now pushed far left whenever it uses a new row.