2. News


Dev Transmission (April 2024)

Hi everyone, welcome to the latest Dev Transmission – for those new to our community it’s a monthly roundup of what we’ve recently been working on.

We’ve got a huge list of feedback from all of your posts and reviews – once I’d finished collating everything it was very pleasing to see that as a community you want very similar things from the game and are closely aligned with what we have planned for Early Access.

Here’s some of what we’ve been up to:

[h3]Ship Launch Screen and Campaign Length/Difficulty![/h3]
We’ve started work on a new menu that will be displayed before your ship takes off from Earth. On this screen you’ll choose several options and it’ll be the foundation that a lot of future Early Access updates will plug into (like co-op and ship selection).

For Major Update 1 though, this will be where you choose your escape route, which informs run length and difficulty.

We know that our community has different difficulty requirements – some people find the game too hard, some too easy and the difficulty curve can have too much friction. These escape route options allow us to cater to those varying differences in a way that doesn’t break other areas of the game. For example, easier difficulties will be shorter, balanced appropriately and only have a certain tier of equipment to find, but provide a smoother challenge for those that need to ease into the game. As the run difficulties step up there will be more sectors to fight through and greater tiers of equipment to collect. This also allows us to eventually open up hardcore difficulty modes to challenge those who are currently dominating.

[h3]New Enemies![/h3]
Enemy reinforcements are inbound! These new enemies will allow us to expand some campaign lengths beyond two sectors.

I’ll try not to spoil things now as we’ll show more of these in due course, but one enemy that is being expanded is the Heavy enemy that wields the plasma minigun. We’re providing different tiers of this like we have with other bipedal enemy types and here’s some concept art of the lower and higher tier versions (the current version is seen in the corner):

This enemy will also be getting some weapon variants – which we’ll reveal later along with the other new enemies.

[h3]New Equipment![/h3]
If the enemy is getting reinforcements it only feels fair for the SENTRY Defense Program to provide new equipment to help defend their ship.

We’ve added a couple of low tier deployables that were in the demo but didn’t make the full game, and designed some new deployables to fill missing gaps – in particular one that is good at dealing with flying enemies :)

We’ve also designed some new active and passive gear so expect to see more of these in Major Update 1, alongside a couple of new weapons. We’ve focused on getting one in-game first before we decide which one to make next, but here’s some early concept art of the Riot Gun:

When we reveal the finished version of this weapon you can refer back to this image to see which elements we progressed into the final design.

[h3]New Levels![/h3]
We’re planning new levels to add to the current ship layout, which puts us in a good place to create new ship layouts in future major updates.

Sean has made one of these levels thus far, dubbed “The Crossing”. We’re testing it in greybox format and once we’ve finessed it we’ll pass it over to Alex to do the art, but here’s a work-in-progress shot:

Adam has been doing optimisations and you should see improvements in combat. While the game will always run slower with 30 enemies on screen than 3, for those final wave moments where there’s a lot of AI around any dips you experienced shouldn’t dip as low.

There’s more juice to be squeezed out here, and we’ll continue to optimise throughout Early Access – while you’re waiting on those enhancements, check out this post here for performance tips.

[h3]Other stuff![/h3]
We’ve been doing lots of balancing, bug-fixing and polish tasks and working through feedback that you’ve posted on the forums, reviews etc. I’ll list these in the changelog when Major Update 1 releases.

[h3]From the Community![/h3]
Now that the game is out, I thought it might be nice to finish off the monthly Dev Transmissions with some cool content from the community.

First up is Discord user Jajomba, who sent this clip of a particularly skillful shot (that I repurposed with his permission into a YouTube Short): https://youtube.com/shorts/jjYhs3IaAMc

And finally, some lovely fan art from Discord user TheCartoon1st. They drew their own SENTRY, and then imagined what a battle-scarred veteran would look like:

If you have any of your own gameplay captures demonstrating impressive skill or cool fan art send them to me on Discord!

Keep the feedback coming! It goes into a big list we’re keeping track of and improves the game. You can reach us on all these places:

The additions outlined above are going into Major Update 1, and we’ll continue working on these plus more during May. We have A LOT more planned for the game in future Major Updates throughout Early Access, of which you can read about some of our plans here:


In the Roadmap we estimated each Major Update would take somewhere between 2-3 months, as this is the cadence our last Early Access game did with the same team size (one artist, one designer, one programmer). Thus far that estimate is still looking accurate, but for those who want to test an earlier version we’ll be putting it on an opt-in beta branch a couple of weeks ahead of release – we’ll let you know when that’s ready.

Thanks for all the support and if you haven’t done so already, please leave a Steam review!

SENTRY is in the Steam FPS Fest!

SENTRY is part of the Steam FPS Fest - as you can see from the event page, what a rich and thriving genre it is!

For all those who are discovering SENTRY for the first time, welcome! I thought it might be helpful to give some basic info to get you up to speed...

Our store page contains useful details on the game, but if you'd like to see what our plans are for Early Access, then you should check out the Roadmap:


We released recently and are busy working away on our first Major Update, we posted a roundup and list of priorities here:


Thank-you for your interest in joining the SENTRY Defense Program, I'll post some updates on Major Update 1 as part of our monthly "Dev Transmission" series - there's a lot of cool stuff on the way we're excited to show you :)

Use towers, traps, and guns to repel spaceship boarders in tower defense-shooter hybrid Sentry

n indie tower defense/shooter hybrid that hit Steam Early Access late last month is getting pretty positive reviews from early players. In Sentry your job is to defend a ship of frozen human survivors fleeing alien attack by setting up a gauntlet of traps, tricks, and environmental hazards between enemy boarders and the energy core of your ship...
Read more.

Launch Roundup! (and March Dev Transmission)

Hi everyone,

As we mentioned in the last Dev Transmission, the majority of our time in March was spent polishing, bug-fixing and generally getting the Early Access release build ready - we're glad that this enabled people to enjoy SENTRY without the kinds of game-breaking issues that plague many game launches.

Speaking of game launches... thank-you so much to everyone that has played SENTRY! It's been fantastic to see so many people get behind our vision of what defending a spaceship should feel like :)

We've been busy reading through all your reviews and posts, collating your feedback into a huge document that'll help improve the game between now and the conclusion of Early Access - we try to acknowledge or respond to every post, but even if we don't manage that please know we read every single one.

We're just at the start of our Early Access journey, and it's been encouraging to see the feedback thus far roughly aligns with the plans outlined in our Roadmap, which you can read here:


One of the biggest areas of feedback was around the difficulty level some people are experiencing with the game, so providing options to tailor difficulty for those players will be a big part of Major Update 01. This system and the surrounding menus will also set us up later in development to cater to those players who want the game to be harder, too!

Increased campaign length, full gamepad support and performance are also on the list for that Major Update - and although optimisations will continue throughout Early Access, in the meantime those suffering from dips in intense combat may find this post helpful.

Major Update 1 will also come with a host of additional content and loads of other changes/improvements/bug-fixes/balancing to generally build upon SENTRY - I won't go into an exhaustive list right now, but rest assured we're listening and each Major Update will keep improving the game in substantial and meaningful ways (including co-op).

I'll keep you updated on our progress, please keep posting your thoughts on the forums, reviews or any of our other channels, and thanks once again for joining the SENTRY Defense Program!

Update Notes for 0.5.23844

Fixed some translation issues