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  3. Wednesday welding

Wednesday welding

This is another small bugfix patch, fixing the following issues:

- Port in the Storm vs rewinding time: Rewinding time using a ruins event, then undoing this was a bit too much for the spacetime continuum in this mission, resulting in a crash. I applied additional duct tape to the continuum.
- Tutorial slowdown: Two in-game tutorials could exhibit a pretty heavy frame drop because *somebody* left debugging code in. I have reprimanded myself and the tutorials should now work normally.
- Campaign mission descriptions: Ingame text for the fargate, the vaults and the advanced pylons has been revised for more clarity (hopefully). Only in the English version for now until the next localization update.

After these fixes, the version numbers should be up to v1.3(b1080) on Windows and v1.3(b1081) on Mac.