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Vibrant Venture News

Beta Patch 4.0.5

More bug fixes! First one listed in the changelog was really bad!! Didn't know it was an issue, but it was pointed out by someone on our Discord server, so I immediately fixed it. Sorry for any trouble this has caused!

Anyway, here's the changelog:

  • Fixed exiting to the Title Screen while playing a custom level in the Level Builder causing you to lose your Time Trial data
  • Fixed the dialogue response arrow sometimes appearing between two response options
  • Fixed the briefly appearing underneath hooks for a split second when jumping onto them from above

Beta Patch 4.0.4

Oh noes! Apparently, there were more bugs. You know what that means!
A new patch has been released for Vibrant Venture. See the changelog below for details.

  • Fixed being unable to swim in the water during the second phase in 2-Boss
  • Fixed pets disappearing after completing 1-G
  • Fixed being able to collect the Challenge Coins in 1-G during the spawn animation

Beta Patch 4.0.3

A new patch has been released for Vibrant Venture.
See the changelog below for details.

  • Fixed multiple Pokeprey suffering from brain damage and immediately nose diving into the closest floor upon seeing the player
  • Fixed the splash particle effect sometimes not playing when jumping into a pool of water

Beta Patch 4.0.2

A new patch has been released for Vibrant Venture that fixes a number of bugs and addresses a couple of gameplay issues too!
See the changelog below for details.

  • The Time Trial for level 3-4 has been adjusted to allow an additional 1 second margin
  • Falling into water has been adjusted to result in a less severe drop, reducing the depth reached compared to before
  • Fixed Air Kicking into water leading to an excessively deep plunge
  • Fixed being unable to stand on platforms in shallow water
  • Fixed the water splash effect not playing in shallow water
  • Fixed a tile error in section 5 in 2-2
  • Fixed the player appearing to hover slightly above the water surface when swimming
  • Fixed a Fairy Bottle in 2-2 dropping a gem out of reach
  • Fixed getting a checkpoint while Homing Attacking causing you to always respawn with a locked character wheel
  • Fixed Challenge Levels appearing locked in the World Map even though you beat them in a previous version of the game
  • Fixed repeatedly dashing in and out of a body of water causing Azura's jump animation to play while dashing
  • Fixed quick restarting a level while on a Magnet Shooter causing the game to softlock
  • Fixed being able to enter the toppled tree from behind in 1-4 by wall jumping out of bounds
  • Fixed a tile error in 2-4 causing a platform with no collision to render
  • Fixed the copyright text in the Title Screen not being updated to 2024

Beta Patch 4.0.1

A new patch has been released for Vibrant Venture that fixes a few minor bugs! See the changelog below for details.

  • Fixed the Power Crystal Resonate cutscene not rendering properly
  • Fixed a bug in 1-Boss where the 1st phase background would sometimes show after defeating the boss in the 2nd phase arena
  • Fixed the player jittering when hanging from a moving hook in 3-4
  • Fixed sliding upwards on top of the toppled tree in 1-4 allowing you to slide kick way too long