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Deskmate Girl News

6/10 Update

1. Bugs fixed (DLC failed to load)

If you are using extended content, you may need to re-install it after the game is updated(6/10).

I'm sorry for the inconvenience!

5/9 Update

1. Fixed issue of not getting achievement after seeing heroine in underwear.
2. During the game, press L and you can unlock the achievement when you first see the heroine in her underwear.

If you are using extended content, you may need to re-install it after the game is updated(4/28).

I'm sorry for the inconvenience!

4/28 Update

1. Bugs fixed (achievement not showing up), update game and start should do.
2. Fixed errors of story not loading after installing extended content, problem should be fixed after downloading and reinstalling the latest extended content.

If you are using extended content, you may need to re-install it after the game is updated.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience!

4/23 Update

1. Fix some achievement bugs.
2. Add the shortcut key L to directly unlock the bras and underpants achievement.

If you are using extended content, you may need to re-install it after the game is updated.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience!

7/7 Update

1.reapaired some achievement bugs
2.Added cloud archiving capabilities
3.repaired xx might disappered bug.
4.repaired Monday money bug.
5.Added new resolution. (1920 * 1080 resolution is recommended for the best experience)

If you are using extended content, you may need to re-install it after the game is updated.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience!