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KnotBot News

Bug fixes and little extras!

Hey, thanks to everyone who helped us spot the bugs in the first Knotbot build!
We've been working to patch those out and give you a better experience if you still haven't finished the game (: and also added a few extra changes.

Changes and additions:

- 'Random type' levels now display a little animation when they shuffle, better showing the changing elements.
- The Spindle node will now activate a new animation on the player.
- The tutorial character will now tell you you can drag nodes in it to see how they work.
- Every node tutorial will now have an explanation to it's "right click effect"

Bug Fixes:

- V-Sync is now enabled.
- Fixed a bug causing players to not being able to replay a level! (thanks to Steam user @Brachragon who helped us spot the problem)
- Fixed a bug where the yarn-ball node small part breaks.