1. Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45
  2. News
  3. v9.12 - D-Day 77th Anniversary

v9.12 - D-Day 77th Anniversary

Hey everyone,

Today marks the 77th anniversary of the largest sea and airborne operation in history and we’ve prepared a special release for the occasion. The main focus of this update is upping the quality of long-standing DH content, introducing new Normandy maps, and adding a few quality-of-life features.

To commemorate the D-Day anniversary we're also switching our infantry servers to western maps for a whole week.

Now come and look at what we have in store!

Willy’s Jeep & GMC CCKW

The Willy’s Jeep and GMC CCKW have been completely re-modeled and re-textured, vastly surpassing the old models in quality and detail. Since both vehicles are featured extensively on Soviet and Commonwealth battles as well, each vehicle now also has faction-specific skins.

Be on the lookout for more full re-models and vehicle replacements in the future!

M1 Garand

The visuals for this iconic weapon has been reworked from the ground up with a beautiful new model and handling animations. The rifle behaves identically to the old one, but now players will no longer lose their bullets on partially expended clips. In other words, bullets pulled from partially expended clips will be automatically combined into a full clip to be reloaded later.

Keep an eye out for more complete weapon overhauls in the future as we continue to upgrade the visuals and feel of the Allied arsenal.

Pegasus Bridge Advance

The location been meticulously and faithfully recreated from every old photograph and reference we could get our grubby hands on. All the notable landmarks are there: Café Gondrée, miscellaneous houses and bunkers, a functional Pak-38 Tobruk gun guarding the crossing, and of course the iconic bridge itself.

This is a medium-sized Advance map, and so will be perfect for between 24 and 64 combatants.

Hedgerow Hell Advance

In this iteration, Hedgerow Hell has received a lot of detail work and has been expanded with new areas. Another significant change to the map is its conversion to Advance game mode, which will give the map a fresh new perspective and momentum.

Map search feature

As our map roster grows, finding maps on the voting screen can be cumbersome. To solve the problem, we’ve added a nifty search bar for quickly looking up your favorite maps!

Full Change Log

  • Remastered M1 Garand model and animations.
  • Added a feature that allows M1 Garand users to keep ammo after partial reload.
  • Updated G41 reload animations, iron-sight view, and added a bayonet.
  • Corrected SVT-41, G41, and G43 rifle animations to keep the bolt open.
  • Added alternative SVT/AVT-40 reload animations (6 in total).
  • Changed SVT-38 to use stripper clips and single rounds instead of magazines.
  • Reduced M1 Carbine reload speed.
  • Resized the M1928 drum mesh (the old one was too big).
  • Adjusted BAR texture color.
  • Other minors changes to various weapons.

  • Adjusted third-person bolt-action reload animations to be in sync with first-person animations.
  • Updated third-person shovel animations.
  • Added a new third-person animation for M1 Garand reloads.

  • Fully reworked GMC CCKW truck and Willy’s Jeep (with lots of new variants).
  • Added Pak-38 w/ Tobruk housing (unique gun for Pegasus Bridge map)
  • Reduced BA-64 maneuverability.

  • Added a search bar to the map voting screen.
  • Updated voting limits for all maps.

[h3]Bug fixes[/h3]
  • Fixed a long-standing Red Orchestra bug where firing a weapon would spontaneously switch to a recently acquired item, if that item was picked up during reload.
  • Fixed a bug where auto-fire weapons in single-shot mode would play incorrect animations after releasing the fire button.


Pegasus Bridge Advance
  • New map!
Hedgerow Hell Advance
  • New map!
Rederitz Advance
  • Added 4 rifleman roles for Allied team equipped with SVT-40.
  • Allies can now have 2 Universal Carriers active at the same time.
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes.
La Gleize Advance
  • Added minefield protection for Axis.
  • Added 2 assault roles for Axis.
  • Shrunk down Town Hall objective.
  • Moved Allied objective spawns farther back.
  • Moved anti-precap minefields farther back.
  • Optimization pass.
  • Added Panzerfausts for Axis sergeant roles.
  • Adding more cover around first three objectives.
  • Made Panzer IV and Sherman 75mm spawns unlimited.
Poteau Ambush Advance
  • Made first objective non-recapturable for Allied team.
Kriegstadt Advance
  • Reduced the amount of Axis supplies.
  • Added extra cover and a static radio at Junction objective.
  • Boosted Allied artillery.
  • Reduced the number of Panzerfaust pickups.
  • Miscellaneous minor changes to the map layout.
Ogledow Clash
  • Slightly rebalanced tank loadouts.
  • Increased Allied and Axis max logistic trucks to 3.
  • Reduced BA-64 spawns to 2 and increased respawn timer.
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes and tweaks.
Caen Advance
  • Fixed objective bug.
  • Increased Allied reinforcements.
  • Added Axis objective spawns.
Road to Isigny Advance
  • Added Greyhound armored car to Allies with 4 spawns.
  • Increased Stuart spawns to 5.
  • Increased Allied and Axis reinforcements by 2.
Armored Celles Clash
  • Fixed a bug where Allies could spawn tanks inside main spawn corridors.
Reichswald Advance
  • Buffed allies: more tanks, more artillery, logistics, two Churchills, more Combat Engineer roles, new loadouts for SLs.
  • Weakened Axis: limited logistjc trucks to 5, removed one tank hunter role, removed one MG role

See you on the battlefield,
Darklight Games