2. News


My new game Loretta is available NOW!


Loretta is out! Hooray!

Loretta is a psychological thriller that makes the player an accessory to the heroine’s crimes, leading her through a self-crafted nightmare. This story revolves around a woman handling betrayal, her husband’s infidelity, and reclaiming her agency during the socially tumultuous 1940s.


I sincerely thank everyone who took part in the creation of this game, my friends, colleagues and each of YOU for continuing to follow my work!

I sincerely hope you enjoy Loretta as much as I enjoyed working on it. Please feel free to leave feedback, write comments, share it with friends and help others learn about our humble game, and, of course... play it! :)

And thanks to all!



February 16, 2023 - Release Date Reveal

Hey y'all!

I have big news!

After two years of development, Loretta is finished! It's hard to believe that this journey has come to an end. But now the most interesting part is ahead.

(╯✧▽✧)╯Loretta will release on PC on February 16th. Finally! *:・゚✧


And we invite you to join her story!


Yakov and Daria


DOM RUSALOK - IndieCup Celebration 2021

Indie Cup is the largest indie games contest in Eastern Europe. Twice a year, our online event hosts hundreds of upcoming titles by independent developers from over 22 countries. Participating games are evaluated by a professional jury, with entries voted best receiving feedback, prizes and awards.

(づ ◕‿◕ )づ DOM RUSALOK on-50% sale.

(Oct 7 – Oct 11)

Pretty good deal, if you ask me


Hey y'all, Yakov here!

I would like to present to you a New DEMO of Loretta.


Loretta is a psychological thriller that would make the player an accessory to the

heroine’s crimes and would lead her through a self-crafted nightmare. This story is about

a woman, dealing with betrayal, her husband’s infidelity, relationships problems and

the difficult social situation of the 1940s.


Please feel free to share with your friends, add Loretta to the wishlist, and leave your feedback!

Loretta Demo on Steam Next Fest

Hey, folks!

Would love to hear any feedback you've thought made while playing the demo of my new game - Loretta. Please. feel free, to share it!


Loretta is a psychological thriller that would make the player an accessory to the heroine’s crimes and would lead her through a self-crafted nightmare.

This story is about a woman, dealing with betrayal, her husband’s infidelity, relationships problems and difficult social situation of the 1940s.