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  3. Dead Containment | Update 0.4.5 Progress

Dead Containment | Update 0.4.5 Progress

Thank You and Happy Holidays

Happy holidays everyone!

Around 2 months ago Dead Containment launched into Steam Early Access as my first ever game released on Steam. It's been great seeing the positive responses from everyone and seeing people enjoy the game. Thank you to everyone who has supported the game and I hope you enjoy what's coming next for Dead Containment. Speaking of...

Upcoming Armoury Update

The next big update for Dead Containment will be the 0.4.5 update, also titled The Armoury Update. This update will bring the armoury feature to the game along with new weapons to fill it.

The armoury will work as a screen you will see every time you load into a level. From the armoury you can swap out your power weapons with others you've unlocked. Weapons can be unlocked by completing levels and by achievements at a later date.

There's not much to show in the way of new guns or gameplay just yet but for now here is an early in-progress picture of the armoury UI.

I'm aiming for a March release with this update, but as always with game development this date isn't set in stone and can change.


You can follow the progress of Dead Containment by visiting the Trello page here. The page is updated regularly with what I'm working on, what's planned in the next update and the state of reported bugs.

Bug Reports

No one wants bugs in their game and I try to my best to squish any I see. However, if you do find any bugs that I missed then please post a report on the official bug report thread here.