1. Children of the Sun
  2. News
  3. The Date is Here, Children!

The Date is Here, Children!

[h2]Hello everyone![/h2]

Just over a month ago we have announced Children of the Sun, and the sheer ammount of feedback and people playing the demo was overwhelmingly amazing. And today with even more eagerness and joy we are happy to announce the release date of Children of the Sun.

[h3]Check this amazing trailer to find out the date, and whishlist Children of the Sun if you already didn't! [/h3]


P.S Go play the demo if you didn't already!


Few words from the developer:

"Hey everyone!

It's been a few pretty fun weeks after the first announcement of the game and the release of the demo.
There were lots of really nice words and great feedback coming from you. I appreciate everyone who gave the Demo a moment of their time. Thank you very much!

So now that release date is public, I guess I finally need to actually finish the game. Ha!
I'm excited to see this thing being out in the wild. And I'm looking forward to hear what you think about it!"

[h2]Steam Next Fest contest winners![/h2]

Thanks to everyone who took part in the competition, we are honestly overwhelmed by the number of participants. As a reminder, the goal was to get into the top 3 of one of the levels of the demo version during Steam Next Fest. Many bullets were fired and wasted on the way to victory.

But here are the winners. By the way, due to this joyous day our glorious Leader decided to grant blessings to 5 people instead of 3!

[h3]Broken Home[/h3]
  1. ShyShannon
  2. UnDouxLamaGarbage
  3. UnDouxLamaShiny
  4. Ice Cream Toast
  5. BUDG3T
[h3]A Vulture[/h3]
  1. Keksus
  2. rieZae
  3. Eli
  4. KartoffelMann
  5. i dair you
[h3]Being Stuck[/h3]
  1. 75,000 waffles
  2. danruL.BenQ
  3. Hedgerich
  4. face
  5. HugeLol
[h3]Removing Evidence[/h3]
  1. Rob Boss
  2. TheBoomBoomKing
  3. Psycho18
  4. roka
  5. Spoon
[h3]Breakfast Time[/h3]
  1. Smakmakita
  2. DredgenBalls
  3. Jam
  4. Haschmasch
  5. Funkyfrog9
[h3]Hiding Bodies[/h3]
  1. PearlSweatSkirt
  2. Liquwid
  3. Razør
  4. Vivi Vortex
  5. Shlynz
[h3]Old Home[/h3]
  1. PoopSauce
  2. KingButter
  3. toro_428
  4. Photo_pro
  5. mom

All the winners will get a friend request from our rouge community manager Sippy so please accept to get your key!