1. Children of the Sun
  2. News
  3. Children of the Sun is Available Now!

Children of the Sun is Available Now!

[h2]Time to get your revenge, you just have to aim for it.[/h2]

Hey everyone!

I spent a few years working on this and now it comes to an end. I'm nervous. I'm excited. It feels strange. This is my first game and I'm incredibly grateful for this experience. Being able to make this game with the help of such wonderful people. Personally, just making this game already feels like a huge success.

A big thank you to everyone who supported me!

While this journey is about to end for me, yours is about to start. I really hope you will enjoy this experience! I'm looking forward to see you playing it and I will read all your feedback.

Thank you so much for your time!



P.S. In case you missed it, and you want to know more, here's my recent interview with Paste Magazine where I talk about what it's like being a solo dev, and what inspired me to create Children of the Sun.

Here is a small guide we made *mild spoiler warning*