1. Don't Forget Me
  2. News

Don't Forget Me News

Patch 1.1.3

  • Fixed an issue with the main character moonwalking in the last level.

Patch 1.1.2

  • Fix an issue with one of the ending where Fran could get stuck
  • A specific part of the content is now more obviously hinted when about to be encountered
  • Fixed some sounds not linked to the SFX sound slider in the options

Dive into the minds of people in jazz-punk adventure Don't Forget Me out now

Jazz-punk? Sounds pretty fancy. Don't Forget Me is a brand new adventure and puzzle game with a twist, where you dive into peoples minds and use your observational skills to unwrap their minds.

Read the full article here: https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2021/04/dive-into-the-minds-of-people-in-jazz-punk-adventure-dont-forget-me-out-now

A message about the end of the game

Hello everyone,

Following the numerous feedbacks on the ending since the pre-release and the release of the game, we decided to modify it.
Following the final choices, small cinematicss will follow your choices, to bring the desired climax at the end of the game and respect your vision of the story.
The basic intention was to offer the player an open ending, in which he can imagine the consequences of his choices. We understand that it could be frustrating.
Our goal is to produce a good game. A good and coherent game that can be enjoyed from start to finish and not leave the player with a gap at the end of his adventure.

We sincerely hope that you will appreciate the final touches to the story and that they will allow you to better appreciate our title.

The Moon Pirates

Patch 1.1 - Ending change

  • Added some aftermath when picking the final choice of the game
  • Case will now be ignored in wordgames in all languages
  • Fix for a bug in Russian preventing player ejection after too many errors in the hidden wordgame
  • Fix a softlock happening with a specific set of choices for Alexandre
  • Error counter in hidden wordgames will now stop incrementing when the final node has been revealed preventing going over 20
  • Fix Fran looping when grabbing the book at Manuela's place
  • Various fixes when playing at 30 fps (including Alexandre not oriented the right way before his wake up)