1. Barely Racing
  2. News
  3. End of beta test program

End of beta test program

Hello racers. This is Bojan on behalf of the Barely Racing team. Development for Barely Racing has come to an end, and we are expecting release soon. We cannot tell you exact date, but it should be at the end of 2023, or Q1 of 2024.

We are really happy that we had this long beta test program where many of you would try out a game and give us awesome feedback on how to improve it. We are doing our best to make the best game that we can. So it's time to close beta testing, and start preparations for the release.

Please note that all beta keys will be revoked in the next 7 days, and page for beta test on our website will no longer support beta requests.

We wish to thank every single person which tried our game. With your feedback, we managed to improve a lot. I hope you like the game when it comes out. Please make sure to wishilist the game, so you can get notified when it's out. Also, as we already mentioned on our website, we will send you one time email on the address you entered for beta request. This will be the only time and way your email has been used.

Again, thanks for everything, and hopefully we will all enjoy this game together in couple of months.