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  2. News
  3. WINTER SALE! Discounts for YOU!

WINTER SALE! Discounts for YOU!

Feel free to change your wallpaper to something interesting. This is the best time to download my unique designs at such a low price.

Hello everyone and we wish you a Happy Holidays and an awesome 2024.

My name is Greg and I am the founder of 3DM whose goal was to design and release unique designs as wallpapers on the Steam platform...and we did it. :D

3DM is not a company with offices and a team. 3DM has never had external financial support. I created 3DM as a single person who used my own funds to employ freelancers who coded my crazy ideas for you. I thank them very much for their support.

Despite everything, we managed to publish 14 projects that appeared on many screens around the world. Countless problems, sleepless nights, sweat and tears. Over time, we got better and the designs were improved thanks to the support of players. Thanks to your support. Thank you with all my heart.

As a thank you and on the occasion of the Winter Steam Sale, we are publishing big discounts for those who have just discovered my designs. I highly encourage you to try it and to support the micro developer.

[h3]I wish you a lot of health and joy with your loved ones.[/h3]

[h3]I wish 2024 to be better for everyone![/h3]

[h3]Big love and thanks for support. [/h3]

Best wishes,
Greg 3DM