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INDIKA выйдет на консолях 17 мая — релиз запланирован для PlayStation 5 и Xbox Series X|S

2 мая на ПК состоялся релиз приключенческой игры INDIKA о безумной монахине в альтернативной России. Разработкой занималась независимая компания с российскими корнями Odd Meter. Проект отличается сеттингом, где религия сталкивается с жестокой реальностью.

First INDIKA hotfix out now

Hello everyone,

We are truly overwhelmed by the incredible support from our community following the release of INDIKA. Your enthusiasm and encouragement truly mean the world to us. Thank you for making this journey (to hell and back) with us.

The first hotfix for INDIKA is out now, improving the game's overall performance:
  • Shader Pre-Compilation has been implemented to enhance performance and improve overall stability
  • Improved performance on Steam Deck
  • DLSS fixed on the Monastery level
  • Minor fixes and improvements

Stay tuned as more great updates are coming soon!

For a limited time you can grab INDIKA with a 10% launch discount:

Take care,
Odd Meter and 11 bit studios

Indika, the darkly comic story of a young nun in a surreal world, is out now

You might assume that Indika will be dour, given that it's a story-driven game about a nun in a grey, cold, alternative Russia. Then you watch its trailers and find surrealist imagery, genre-hopping, and a bleak sense of humour are part of its arsenal, and suddenly it seems, to me, irresistible.

It's out now.

Read more

INDIKA is out now!

The release day is upon us! Grab your rosaries and pray to God that you shall not be deceived.

Watch the Launch Trailer:
Play a third-person, story-driven game set in alternative Russia at the turn of the XIX century where religious visions clash with harsh reality. INDIKA tells the story of a young nun who sets off on a journey of self-discovery with the most unusual companion by her side, the devil himself.

Grab it -10% until May 16th, 2PM UTC.

Play now:

Свечка за упокой Карла Маркса: Обзор INDIKA

В последние годы стало очевидно, что попытки разработчиков публично навязать покупателям свои политические взгляды до добра не доводят. У аудитории уже выработалась аллергия на такое поведение, из-за которого сами игры отходят на второй план.