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Swarm Grinder News

Hotfix v1.0.0f1

Hello everyone! Thanks for playing version 1.0.0 and for all your reports and feedback. We've released our first hotfix post-launch and will continue to roll out more. Here's what we've addressed:
  • Added an "Disable Operator Dialog" option in the Interface Options.
  • Introduced a popup on the Main Menu explaining how to unlock the Garage.
  • Fixed missing sprites for the Advanced Lever.
  • Updated several missing translations.
  • Improved the drill generation algorithm to prevent drills from spawning too close to walls, which could trap players.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented health regeneration upgrades from working correctly at low levels.
  • Corrected a display bug related to the Killer Queen special of the Detonator.
  • Fixed a bug where the Count Catalyst upgrade of the Cleaver would reset its timer upon ranking up.
  • Addressed a bug preventing completion of the Bombard Mastery 4.
  • Resolved an issue in the New Game UI that locked users out from selecting Evolution levels for maps.
  • Fixed multiple issues related to the Upgrade Selection and Cursed Upgrade Selection screens.
  • Addressed display issues where some elements did not change language correctly.
have this complementary gif in the middle of all this text

Balancing changes:
  • Changed the targeting method of the Gatling Gun from cone targeting to circle targeting.
  • Reduced the Poison Drone's charge cost per second by 25%.

Thank you all for your ongoing support of Swarm Grinder. Please continue to send us your feedback and any issues you encounter. We're committed to resolving them as swiftly as possible.

And for those who have good things to say, don't be shy (winky face)

Looking forward to the next update, cheers!

Shoot through a mass of alien cells in Swarm Grinder 1.0 out now

Swarm Grinder is a repeatable action roguelite where you control a little mech, as you battle your way through a big swarm of cells that spawn various types of enemies. An interesting one if you enjoy games like Vampire Survivors.

Read the full article here: https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2024/04/shoot-through-a-mass-of-alien-cells-in-swarm-grinder-10-out-now


Hello again all!

Today is the day we’ve been waiting for! As promised, Swarm Grinder will be leaving the realm of Early Access and venturing forth into Full Release. Buckle up, this is going to be a long one:

So, here’s a summarized list of what awaits you in the Full Release:

  • The Garage: That one section we had disabled for the 0.7 patch where you’ll be able to equip items to get stronger is now unlocked.
  • Items: now you’ll have new items that you earn through character masteries and in-game. Equip them in the Garage to empower you through missions. Mix and match to see which ones fit your playstyle the best kind of thing, yeah?
  • Character Masteries: Unique side missions presented to you for each character. You can raise the mastery rank of the characters by completing these missions and you’ll be rewarded by new bioshards, items and more.
  • The Operator: You’re not alone anymore! Welcome the lovely little lady that will guide you and interact with you throughout your missions. Listen close and you might hear a thing or two about the bug infested planet you somehow keep landing on.
  • New Gadgets: We now introduce 6 new gadgets in addition to the Dash and Expanding Trigger. Some are Flamethrower, Drill Call and Pet Drone. The rest, you shall see for yourself.

For the players who have been practically begging for it, we will be making our Original Soundtrack available for purchase. We know our soundtrack is super cool, you’re welcome. Thanks Onur (our music guy).

Also, we’d like to emphasize again that we have improved our game drastically thanks to all the positive and negative feedback that came from you guys. People who haven't been able to enjoy the game because of its shortcomings seem to be enjoying it now. Why else would the negative reviews turn positive, eh? People who have wishlisted our game but were hesitant to buy it, we can say with utmost joy that you can actually go for it now (winky face). We’re absolutely certain that it’s better than it has always been.

Last but not least, the thank you section. We’d like to start by thanking all our current and future players. Also we’d like to thank; (taking a deep breath here) our close friends, people who have supported us through hard times, our investors, playtesters, people who have believed in us and our game, energy drink brands, people we pestered during gaming conventions, the publishers that we insistently bothered, content creators, influencers, the marketing mail people that we kept ignoring, our coffee machine, that one crow that brought me a bottle cap in the balcony, the barista from the coffee shop we always go to, our cleaning lady, Kağan’s, Beste’s and Ezo’s cats, our families who have supported us mostly unwillingly, my highschool physics teacher and lastly, the Moon for not crashing into the Earth while we were developing this thing. That’s almost all, the rest you can read at the credits of the game.



Hello all!

The day, finally, is upon us! With the deepest pride and greatest pleasure, Last Bite Team proudly presents:


We have come a long way since the time we went into Early Access and now we're here with a game that we're proud to call ours. We thank all our players for all the feedback, the discussions and the support. We know it's as cheesy as it gets, but we wouldn't be here without your help.

Also special thanks to all those who took their time to write detailed negative comments and ripped us a new one. It has helped us improve, a lot. We're glad to see that most of those comments turned positive as we kept developing. We'll keep doing our best.


Hotfix v0.7.0f1

Hey there, thanks for playing v0.7.0 and giving feedbacks. This hotfix (more like warmfix now) should solve these problems:

  1. We hope, problems with last drill area are solved. Now you can find and open the cells on last drill area without any problems.
  2. Late game waves are harder. You won't make it out alive.
  3. Tentacle attack and Vortex Blade pull areas are now correctly represented.
  4. Cursed Chests can be see from a bit farther.
  5. Cursed Chests now open instantly. Some players stop expecting the game to stop instantly and enemies would catch up and damage the player.
  6. Some little quality of life and text improvements:

  • Hp regen upgrade in Workshop now correctly displays health regen, from 0.4 to 0.2.
  • Main Menu -> Back to Lobby in Run End Screen
  • Confirm prompt for refunding Workshop purchases
  • Hovering over Gadget and Evolution selections in Selection menu now selects them and updates info text.
  • Sometimes WASD and gamepad navigation would stop working in specific menus. They should mostly be fixed now.
  • Some more unmentioned text and bug fixes.

We are aware of the issue preventing the game from opening only on the Mac version, and we are still working to resolve this issue. Thank you for your patient waiting, and we apologize for this unexpected problem.