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Super Catboy News

Nominate Super Catboy!

Dear Super Fans,

Today, the Steam Awards 2023 kicked-off and we would be super honoured and thrilled if you choose to vote for Super Catboy as the Best Game You Suck At!

Thank you for your support!
- the guys at pixelpogo


Patch 1.0.4a

1.0.4a brings all the 1.0.4 changes to MacOS, and fixes a recently introduced bug for both Windows and MacOS. So both versions are identical again.

1.04a Hotfix:

- Bats during the flame thrower event spawn at the correct heights again.

1.0.4 Changes:

Quality of Life (QoL)
- Lives and cat parts are now displayed when the game is paused.
- Gamepad analogue sticks can now be used in menus by default in addition to dpad.

Critical Bug Fixes
- Reworked graphics settings, full screen option now works correctly for non-integer resolutions such as 800p or 1440p.
- Constant analogue stick or mouse input signals from some devices (graphcis tablet, racing wheels, some notebook touchpads) should no longer block normal keyboard and gamepad signals
- The game will no longer start in a tiny window on a second start if no graphics settings were touched on the first start
- Enemies can no longer lose interest during a fight scene and walk off the screen, causing a semi-softlock

Localisation Fixes
- Replaced some incorrect translations (regarding the dash functions) in several languages for the options menu.
- Spanish localisation now displays the correct ¡ and ¿ characters
- All keywords in all languages are now capitalised in the options menu.

Minor Bug Fixes
- Fixed missing result screen font in some levels in non-Latin languages
- Shotgun and minigun now show correct sprite before being picked up
- Numpad debug keys that allowed manipulation of wind speed removed from snow levels
- Crawling dogs falling off cliffs now count as kills
- Can't kill 102% of the enemies in the last level anymore :)
- Special weapons don't cast a shadow in the air

Level Changes
- The edge of the planks in the mine cart level is now more visible
- Corrected order of cat parts in some levels
- Repositioned cat parts in some levels
- Fixed some misplaced colliders and visual tiles in several levels.

Other Changes
- Changes to item drop rates:
- Smaller enemies can now drop items.
- Larger enemies have a reduced chance of dropping items.
- Crates have a higher chance of containing items.

If you haven't seen it in the latest news post, we have created a Community Discord Server, feel free to join and chat with the devs and each other, share fanart or discuss speedrun strategies.

Discord Invite Link

Super Catboy Patch #3 has arrived!

Quality of Life (QoL)
- Lives and cat parts are now displayed when the game is paused.
- Gamepad analogue sticks can now be used in menus by default in addition to dpad.

Critical Bug Fixes
- Reworked graphics settings, full screen option now works correctly for non-integer resolutions such as 800p or 1440p.
- Constant analogue stick or mouse input signals from some devices (graphcis tablet, racing wheels, some notebook touchpads) should no longer block normal keyboard and gamepad signals
- The game will no longer start in a tiny window on a second start if no graphics settings were touched on the first start
- Enemies can no longer lose interest during a fight scene and walk off the screen, causing a semi-softlock

Localisation Fixes
- Replaced some incorrect translations (regarding the dash functions) in several languages for the options menu.
- Spanish localisation now displays the correct ¡ and ¿ characters
- All keywords in all languages are now capitalised in the options menu.

Minor Bug Fixes
- Fixed missing result screen font in some levels in non-Latin languages
- Shotgun and minigun now show correct sprite before being picked up
- Numpad debug keys that allowed manipulation of wind speed removed from snow levels
- Crawling dogs falling off cliffs now count as kills
- Can't kill 102% of the enemies in the last level anymore :)
- Special weapons don't cast a shadow in the air

Level Changes
- The edge of the planks in the mine cart level is now more visible
- Corrected order of cat parts in some levels
- Repositioned cat parts in some levels
- Fixed some misplaced colliders and visual tiles in several levels.

Other Changes
- Changes to item drop rates:
- Smaller enemies can now drop items.
- Larger enemies have a reduced chance of dropping items.
- Crates have a higher chance of containing items.

If you haven't seen it in the latest news post, we have created a Community Discord Server, feel free to join and chat with the devs and each other, share fanart or discuss speedrun strategies.

Discord Invite Link

Patch for the MacOS-Version will follow soon.
(Our only team member with a Mac is on vacation right now^^)

Soundtrack, Discord and Gamescom!

Super Catboy Soundtrack

You liked the music of Super Catboy? We've released the Super Catboy Soundtrack on many different platforms!

On Band Camp you can stream it for free or pay what you want and support the Devs and Musicians behind Super Catboy directly!

Also streamable on:
Spotify Amazon Music Apple Music Tidal YouTube Playlist

(And some more, let us know if your favourite platform is missing!)

Want to use our music as background music during livestreams and VODs? No problem, we haven't submitted our soundtrack to any contentID system! :3

Super Catboy (Original Game Soundtrack) is a collaboration between Tscholdes, Stemage, and Anton Corazza with guest appearances by Yusef Kelliebrew.

Enjoy listening!
Discord Community

Some of you already asked about it and here it is. (Better late than never^^)


Feel free to join and have a chat with the devs or each other.

Gamescom 2023

We are part of the Indie Arena Booth at this year's Gamescom in Cologne, Germany! (23.-27.08.2023)
You will find us in hall 10.2.

We look forward to meeting you there! Who else is coming? 😺

Super Catboy Patch #2 has arrived!

Thanks for all the feedback! We worked hard to fix most of the noted bug and issues players have experienced. Most outstanding might be the changes to the Airship Outside level and the Dobermann Boss. On top of that a lot of smaller and bigger bugs where fixed.

[h3]Level Changes[/h3]

Airship Outside
  • Added visual indicator before wind takes full effect
  • Wind duration adjusted.
  • You can now climb and hold on to walls while the wind is blowing without being permanently disconnected.
  • Fixed some colliders so that you don't fall through the floor on the wing platforms when landing on the edge of them.
  • Added a little secret passage

Doberman Boss
  • Spreads his shots over a wider angle, giving the player more time to avoid them.
  • It is now easier to jump over or duck under.
  • Grenades can now also be punched back after landing on the ground.
  • Reduced the time it takes for a grenade to explode.
  • Added a visual indicator just before the grenade explodes.
  • The ceiling in the second battle is higher, making it easier to dodge his shots.

Canyon 1
  • Fixed wrongly placed colliders that would allow you to glitch through a wall and not be able to return to the main area.

Factory 1
  • Added a collider so you can't go out of bounds anymore.

Factory 2
  • Some oil barrels now have alternating flames

  • Added a collider and camera limiter so you can't go out of bounds anymore.

*Various mini-adjustments in some more levels

[h3]Quality of Life (QoL)[/h3]
  • Slightly increased iframes (invincibility time)
  • Increased the damage collider for Catboy's punches, making it easier to hit enemies when they are standing in the same spot as Catboy himself.
  • Flamethrower punch sound removed
  • Spring gun sounds now have a stereo effect and get quieter the further away they are.

[h3]Bug Fixes[/h3]
  • You can now punch during the landing animation
  • Cat parts display in bike levels now counts correctly
  • Fixed >100% score in certain levels
  • Fixed not being able to reach 100% in airship outside level
  • Fixed jitter of catboy sprite when standing still
  • Fixed black screen when dying for two different reasons at the same time
  • Catboy no longer drops a weapon immediatly when collected while in the air
  • Swat Dog Enemy shows the correct damage sprite now
  • Various other mini fixes.

Thank you very much for your support!