1. Pandemic Train
  2. News
  3. Steam Award 2023 Nominations are on!

Steam Award 2023 Nominations are on!

[h2]Hello Survivors,[/h2]
A month after the Pandemic Train's release we wanna tell you that we're analyzing your feedback every day. Discussions about what can be done to improve the game according to your notes are endless as we're trying to find the best solutions for the things that you dislike the most.

[h3]Steam Award 2023 Nomination[/h3]
With this being said, we're glad that you enjoy traveling on the train and the story that you unveil with every run. We want to ask those of you who appreciate Pandemic Train's story to nominate us for the Story-Rich Game in the 2023 edition of Steam Awards. Each vote from you will make our day!

[h3] The power of Steam reviews[/h3]
Please, remember to write a positive review of Pandemic Train on Steam if you like the game. It would mean a lot to us!
If you have any notes, you can post them in Steam Discussions or write them on Discord. We read them everywhere and analyze each and every single one of them.
So if you like the game and you haven't reviewed it yet, make sure to do so now!

Make sure to join our Discord!

Stay on the right track, our dearest survivors! :)
Pandemic Train team