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Stardeus News

V0.11 Open For Testing

Hey everyone!

Stardeus v0.11 major update is now open for public testing. If you would like to try it and provide early feedback, follow these steps to activate it:
  1. Right-click Stardeus in your Steam library.
  2. Choose "Properties."
  3. Select the "Betas" tab.
  4. Choose "v0_11_alpha" from the dropdown.

Beware, this version still contains some bugs and rough edges, so participate only if you're feeling adventurous. Bug reports and feedback are greatly appreciated.

Discuss the update on Discord in the #stardeus-v_11 channel.

The v0.11 update will launch for everyone in about a month. See you then!

- spajus

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Code Freeze of v0.10

Hey everyone!

You probably noticed that the updates in the current v0.10 branch are getting far and few in between. This is because I'm in the final stretch of development for the new major update, and as I get closer to getting v0.11 ready for testing, I am becoming more reluctant to take the development time away from v0.11, even for as little as a couple of hours a week.

Therefore, today marks the final update of the v0.10 branch. While the major update is almost ready for public testing, there are still several large loose ends and rough edges I'd like to finish before opening access.

Meanwhile, you can take a sneak peek at some of the changes that are coming in v0.11:

See you soon!
- spajus

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New Beings Progress Update #4

Hey everyone!

It's been another month of hard work, and I finally see some light at the end of the tunnel. I still can't tell how long it will take to bring this major update to a polished state, but everything is coming together smoothly, and I feel that the most difficult parts are already done.

There are still dozens of things left to address, but I'll do my best to get ready for the playtesting phase within a couple of months.

Allow me to present a few highlights from the past month of development.
[h2]Bot Docks[/h2]

The Cleaning Bot previously had its own dedicated dock, causing other bots to feel excluded. Not anymore! A new docking device has been introduced that can be assigned to any bot, either manually or automatically.

Bots assigned to docks will idle in them instead of roaming aimlessly. This adds a new layer of strategy to both combat and everyday tasks.

While docks provide a small amount of electricity, they won't charge as quickly or efficiently as the dedicated Charge Station. However, the charge provided will be sufficient to maintain healthy battery levels.

[h2]Jet Suit[/h2]

The Jet Suit is an upgraded version of the Space Suit with added capability to fly. This innovation elevates the effectiveness of your human meatbags colonists to the next level.

[h2]Sanity and Mental Breakdowns[/h2]

I didn't like that mood was the driving factor behind the mental breakdowns of your colonists. Nobody starts fires because of bad mood, they do it because they go insane.

Sanity is the cornerstone of this new system. When sanity falls below a certain threshold, random mental breakdowns can happen just like before. Sanity also ties in to the new AI and will provide some additional behavioral changes.

The UI used to display mood effects was pretty confusing, therefore it also received a small redesign.

[h2]Awakening from Stasis[/h2]

The Stasis Array now offers a choice whenever a new colonist needs to be awakened. This not only provides greater control over who joins your crew but also ensures no new colonist is overlooked.

[h2]Free Select Tool Overhaul[/h2]

The input and how it feels during gameplay are really important, so I decided to redo the Free Select tool. This tool handles everything you do with the mouse when you haven't picked a specific tool, like left clicking, right clicking, and dragging. It might seem simple, but here's what the tool does:

Originally, it was just "click to select something," but after four years of adding features, it turned into a huge, messy block of code – about 1600 lines of what's known as "technical debt." I took it apart and reorganized everything, making it easy to update or add new features, and the whole thing is now built with modding support. This was a big victory and it even made me reconsider how tooltips work when you hover over different items.

The entire refactoring process was documented in a series of videos on YouTube if you're interested in the technical specifics.

That's it for this update, see you next month!
- spajus

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New Beings Progress Update #3

Hey everyone!

It's been about three months since I started working on the upcoming major update, and while I'm still far from done, there's a lot of progress.

I have reimplemented most of the basic needs like Hunger, Sleep, Eating, Hygiene, Fun, Electricity (for bots) and a better half of the AI behaviors for tasks like Construction, Hauling, Refilling, Repairing, Demolition, Moving, etc. And the most important feature of the game - cats riding cleaning bots - is already there!


To get a feel for the scope of this rewrite, here's how much the code has changed:

git diff --ignore-all-space --shortstat master -- "*.cs" "*.json"
2344 files changed, 51605 insertions(+), 62392 deletions(-)

For perspective, this is how big the whole project is:

Language files blank comment code
C# 2066 27122 18418 272135
JSON 1950 701 0 64152
SUM: 4016 27823 18418 336287

The impact of this update will be far greater than just AI and beings. Since I'm touching so many parts, I am taking a critical look at every mechanic I touch, and I'm axing things that are confusing and aren't fun. For example, the controversial "Device Wear" is completely removed.

On the technical side of things, I had a chance to rewrite some core parts of the framework that runs the whole simulation. This yielded significant performance boost at high clock speeds, the simulation is now able to run at a mind blowing rate that was never possible before. 10x speed will be truly 10x for everyone, and in my tests I can simulate a day of game time in just a couple of seconds.

Talking about tests, I'm rewriting them all too. Hundreds of tests were obsolete due to the changes, so I took the liberty to rethink the test architecture completely, focusing on their stability and speed. If you're interested to learn more about how automated tests work in Stardeus, I have a video about it here: https://youtu.be/043EY6H5424

The current focus of development is on body parts and their installation / removal / harvesting, also damage, wounds, healing and various conditions. That involves adding new devices, tons of various body parts, defining the abilities and status effects those parts provide, and figuring out how to tie it all together.

While there's certainly some complexity involved, I love how flexible things are getting due to the new mechanics. Here's an example:


There's a bit of bad news too. I won't be able to keep my promise of old saves always working for this update. The game has changed too drastically, and trying to make the code backwards compatible with old saves would complicate the development and delay the release of this update by a few months, so I made a choice to break the save file compatibility. This also allows me to clean up some hairy parts of the old code that I had to keep just for ancient save files to work.

There will be a transition period for testing the new update, which should give some time for mods to catch up, and you will have plenty of time to finish your current run.

As of when the new update will be ready, I can't predict that yet, all I can say is that the development pace is increasing, as I'm learning how to use the new AI efficiently, and more and more parts are coming together. I'm doing my best to get it done as soon as I can!

That's it for now, see you next month!
- spajus

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New Beings Progress Update #2

Hey everyone!

Time for a progress update. It was a busy month, and while Stardeus' codebase currently looks like this fully disassembled car, I have something new to show you.

[h2]New Game Setup Screen[/h2]

Stardeus will have a new game setup screen. You will be able to randomize your starting crew, customize their names, and see their skills.

Each crew member, including robots and even pets, will have a “Backstory” and “Traits” that can modify the skills or add other perks. The age of a crew member determines how much experience they have. There are four phases of a lifetime - childhood, young adulthood, mid-life and retirement. A role will be assigned for each phase, which will make younger crew members slightly less skilled than older ones.

[h2]Human Body Types, Hair Styles and Portraits[/h2]

Humans will become much more unique and distinguishable from each other. They will have four different body types - feminine, masculine, thin and large. There will be dozens of new hair styles, and new clothing items.

All clothing items will fit all body types. Once you have a space suit, anyone can wear it.

The UI will also show accurate human portraits rather than an icon of a bald naked dude that you see right now.

[h2]Development Timeline[/h2]

I can’t yet accurately predict how long it will take to finish this major update, as it literally requires rewriting almost half of the game. Instead of wasting my time on vague estimates, I’ll put my head down and get back to work. I will start adding estimates in the monthly updates as soon as I can tell something other than "at least 6 more months".

If you’re curious to see the development process, catch me live on Twitch, or browse the archive of the development sessions on YouTube.

See you next time!

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