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War Identity News

V1.4.7 - Voice Acting + MVP Screen Fix + Graphical Adjustments

- Added some voice acting.
- Fixed MVP Screen on some maps.
- Graphical adjustments on Survival Warehouse.

V1.4.6 - Gun Levels + Perks

- Added Gun Perks
- Guns now have levels where it unlocks perks for that specific gun.
- Preparing for the new vehicle update. Should be here shortly.

V1.4.5 - Major Changes + Upcoming Updates


- Added a match ending screen. Winning team will be able to show off dance moves and stats.
- Fixed Zombies issue when a round doesn't want to continue. Players will not be able to join a game mid-match.
- Fixed match history not displaying kills/score and winning color etc.
- Fixed the take down when knifing an enemy from behind. It would cause a double death animation and at times it wouldn't completely work when knifing behind.
- Added Stormy female character.
- Zombies weapon slot from random box will now enter the correct slot. No more stacking primaries in all slots.
- Created vehicle functionality (no vehicle available in this update).

- Graphical update on Hangar map - will repeat on other maps if all goes well with optimization etc.
- New map
- New killstreak system with 3 selectable and more killstreaks.
- Vehicles to be implemented
- Weapon perks unlocks
- Prone collider into surfaces
- BR mode
- Twitch gameplay changer
- Inventory system

As you can tell I am still working on all the issues and addressing the community concerns via Discord. Please keep the suggestions coming. Enjoy the new update!

V1.4.4 - We're Listening - Changes & Additions

- Resolution setting added as an option.
- Window-ed & full-screen mode added as an option.
- Shortcut for added for voice chat in key-binds.
- Shortcut for Push-To-Talk in key-binds.
- Shortcut for Grenade quick throw in key-binds.
- Added 8 new guns.
- Player cards added in lobby & friends list.
- You can now cook your grenades.
- Added ammo in the shop/store of Zombies Horde mode.
- Fixed some issues in Zombies Horde mode.

Upcoming changes:
- End game match highlight, the winning team will get to showcase their dance moves and everyone will get to see whos the top in kills etc.
- Adding a new female character.
- Killstreak revamp
- and plenty of more...

V1.4.3 - Bug Fixes + Bot Tweaks

- Fixed bots getting stuck on ramp in DTF.
- Skybox changed on DTF.
- Skybox changed on Hangar.
- Skybox changed on Office Tower.
- AI Bots tweaked for harder difficulty.