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  3. Know Your Ships and ais.boatnerd.com... So Freakin' Great!

Know Your Ships and ais.boatnerd.com... So Freakin' Great!

Know Your Ships.... a really great book and part of the inspiration for Great Lakes Simulator.

Prepare for your journey in Great Lakes Simulator by knowing all you need to know - Know Your Ships is the definitive authority on Great Lakes ships and shipping - this compact but beautifully done book is perfect for reading at home or taking with you on your ship chasing adventures. Definitely part of the inspiration for Great Lakes Simulator and an invaluable reference. If you want to be a Great Lakes shipping expert you will want Know Your Ships.

And don't miss AIS.BOATNERD online - a live interactive AIS traffic map of the entire Great Lakes and packed with information - just click on a ship to see ship info, photos, links, and more. Great Lakes Simulator pays homage to ais.boatnerd with its own AIS feature.. hit F9 in game to open the AIS traffic window to see all ship traffic around you.

Check out AIS.BOATNERD now> ais.boatnerd.com

Visit the Boatnerd website> boatnerd.com

Find out more about the book>Know Your Ships

Check back soon for more great info on resources that have been inspiration for Great Lakes Simulator.

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