1. Project Existence - Multiplayer Sandbox
  2. News
  3. 4/5/23 12 HOUR PLAYTEST - JOIN US!


UPDATE: The servers will be live at 2pm GMT, or two hours later than originally announced! Sorry for the inconvenience.

Hey all!

On April 5th (Wednesday) beginning at 1pm GMT, Arctic Theory will begin a 12 hour playtest period in the Project Existence Testing Environment (PETE), with server resets scheduled for 4pm GMT and 8pm GMT.

This is a big milestone for us!

We welcome and encourage anyone who wishes to participate to join in and see what we've been up to. The overall goal is to establish outposts, gather and process resources and work together to rebuild a monument. For those that have joined previous playtests, the gameplay might seem familiar, but there are some new features to check out, as well as old and improved ones we'd love feedback on. For those jumping in for the first time, be prepared to see some placeholder objects and to run into a bug here or there. It's all a part of the process. It'll still be fun!

Some of the new stuff we're testing includes a new resource (it's not just trees!), new buildings (currently in box and sphere form), a new scanner feature and some UI upgrades. If you join after the monument has already been built, no worries. The server resets mentioned above will refresh everything so you can participate from the start.

If you haven't already, join the Project Existence Discord for updates. We happily accept feedback there as well.

We hope to see you there!

- Arctic Theory