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  3. Development Updates 12/22/2023

Development Updates 12/22/2023

In the past few months, we've been reviewing plots, adjusting numerical values, and working on other miscellaneous tasks... And here are all the recent updates we can't wait to show you guys. Come take a look at what new content has been added to The World of Kungfu!

1. In the official release, the max level will be raised to Lv.100 from Lv.20 in the EA. Simultaneously, character attributes such as STR, AGI, and STA will also increase from a maximum of 25 to 30.
*P.S. The random addition of attributes will perhaps be removed from the final release, as we noticed that it confused players.
2. It might worry some of you that this leap of level caps will cause a waste of attribute points. However, it's hard to max out on every attribute in the first playthrough, since higher attributes still require more attribute points. Players can still enjoy careful planning when allocating the points ;)
*P.S. Teammates with low levels but high talents are highly recommended for enhancement.

1. The controller support is now under development. In the future, The World of Kungfu will support PS, Xbox, and other controllers to the best of our abilities.
2. All the UI in the following screenshots are controller-supported.

1. In the character creation menu, players can customize their faces, costumes, and accessories of their portrait and sprite.
*P.S. We're still working on the portraits available for players. (On the pic it's Wu Yansi, a nobody eunuch who got lucky to be chosen as the "poster boy" here... Well, fortune favors the prepared.)
2. Unlock hidden costumes and accessories with multiple playthroughs.
3. Here's a piece of the custom sprite feature. Note that this feature has a long way to go...

4. Also, you must have noticed that we added color sliders for customization enthusiasts!

In addition to the previous roll design, we added a new design. Players can choose whichever design they favor more.
Mode I: the original design with a new lock feature, which allows players to pin down stats and traits randomly generated.
*First-time players will have 1 lock, and as they finish each playthrough, they will get an additional lock.

Mode II: the allocating design allows players to allocate the points to talent stats (e.g., STR, AGI) as they want. Basic stats (e.g., HP, MP) and talent skills (e.g., Sword, Wine Art) are fixed.
Also, players can select the traits from the nine-grid (which will be further introduced down below).
*Players gain 1 stat point from each completion of playthroughs.

1. Players will be able to collect Kungfu, Equipment, and Teammates.
The Kungfu collection is categorized into Sword, Saber, etc. so that first-time players can quickly get an overview of the Kungfu classes. In addition, players may learn how to unlock Kungfu from NPCs.

We encourage every player to complete the full equipment collection (as it's not that hard!).

Players will meet different teammates as they go with different routes. Complete the collection with multiple playthroughs, or...turn a master traitor that adeptly navigates between sects within one playthrough. Still, it's not an answer to achieve a full collection, as you won't be able to unlock all the teammates with the traitor route.

1. In the official release, players can collect mythical Jianghu sets. Put on three pieces of a set to activate the set buff.

2. Some set buffs are just perfect matches for certain low-level Kungfu, transforming them into top-level Kungfu that can even rival Divine Kungfu.
3. Many pieces of equipment that players may have collected in places such as Jiangnan and Xiaoxiang areas when playing the early access version are probably from a myth set. Don't overlook the least shiny equipment.

1. Previously, we've unveiled the feature of capturing NPC as your teammates. Captured teammates can be selected as companions.
*Open the selection menu, and select companions from the list:

2. After you join a sect, Jianghu teammates will leave your team, but companions follow you...forever.
3. NPC Capture 101:
a) Use Jianghu Favor Orders rewarded from special city bounties to capture (or persuade, if you prefer) human NPCs. But governments rarely issue Favor Orders.
b) Use rare items collected from certain cities to capture animal NPCs.
c) Several special traits including "Born to Lead" and "King of Beasts" allow players to persuade enemy NPCs during battles with probabilities. If successful, NPCs will be captured after battles.

*Added a feature that allows players to check out NPC's stats during battles, e.g. STR, AGI, and STA. We're considering expanding the range of information available here. Some NPCs have randomly generated stat, so make it a habit of checking NPCs out to never miss out on a "Shiny Hoothoot".

We received some feedback on the unclear labels shown in the backpack menu, so we've re-designed the labels, added a feature of showing the item's name by long-pressing it, and developed further the filters.
If you have any suggestions for a better backpack, please feel free to share them with us!
*Find stuff easier:

*Long-press to show the item's name:

*Better filter features, also available for equipment and Kungfu:

1. Traits like Taihu Hero, Qingcheng Hero, and Southern Hero will become titles. Each character can only have one title, but the stats buffs of titles are increased greatly.
2. Added a nine-grid for traits:
a) Traits are classified into type I, II, III...to IX, plus type null;
b) Traits can only go into their designated slot;
c) But type null can fit in any slot;
d) Traits that relate to the body (e.g., "virgin" or ones that associate with disabilities) are not removable or replaceable once selected when creating the character. But the stats buffs are increased greatly, and certain Kungfu may benefit from traits of this kind. So think twice (or more times) before deciding your mind.
e) Chances to acquire different types of traits from cultivating corresponding star-levels of Kungfu. Also, players can learn rare traits from fulfilling some NPC's requests.
3. Traits learned progressively from cultivating a certain school of Kungfu may trigger chain buffs. As shown below, the traits of types 2, 5, and 8 (highlighted with bright yellow) trigger a Taoist chain effect:

1. In the official release, players can go to the Blind Blacksmith, an NPC in the mythical Xiaoxiang Areas, to unlock the equipment enhancement feature.

2. Different ores offer different attributes for equipment:
a) Ores can only enhance existing attributes if the equipment already has four modifiers;
b) If not, ores can add a new modifier to the equipment.
3. Added the character stat "forge":
a) The max level of equipment enhancement depends on this stat; caps at +10;
b) Different traits, equipment and forging places may combine to different enhance outcomes.
4. High forging stats won't lead to excessive equipment stats, and ores are generally not rare. This feature aims for players to have fun experimenting with combinations of ores and equipment.
5. Enhancing some equipment to +10 may result in "Descent of Artifact" (shown at the top of the screen when it happens, as presented in the screenshot below). There are already many artifacts in EA.

6. After the equipment reaches +10, the modifiers can be refined:
a) Players can replace all added modifiers;
b) Special modifiers for the fifth slot offer skill stats such as increasing the chance of successful poisoning;
c) Refining equipment costs Meteorite Fragments, which are very rare. Players can only find several of them in the whole world of Kungfu, so remember to keep a sharp mind when using them.
7. Players can reset enhanced equipment at the Blind Blacksmith's place.
8. Ores can be spotted from the world map, caves and mazes:

a) Ores can be specific to areas. Find the ores you need in their born places. Ores will automatically reappear in caves and mazes after a certain period.
b) Use a shovel to mine, and players may also find mysterious pots when mining ores. Take them to pawn shops in cities for appraisal:

*Some pots are authentic antiques, while others are as fresh as last week's pottery. Pots can be sold, so players can earn travel expenses through mining in the beginning. Players may also find rare treasures and scriptures when mining. Some scriptures are even critical for learning 8-star or 9-star Kungfu.

1. In the official release, we've added a stat "Kungfu". This stat increases with each level-up of Kungfu. The higher the stat, the more likely the Kungfu you invented is of higher damage or star-level.
2. Players will unlock two features, Kungfu Invention and Kungfu Breakthrough, after defeating the enemies in Central Plains again.
a) Kungfu Invention. Unlock the options in the nine-grids and invent your own Kungfu. First, choose a class and a pattern to set a foundation for your Kungfu:

You can also choose a visual effect that suits your Kungfu the most:

Also, the character's trait nine-grid provides buffs to your invention:
- Type II and IV traits relate to the shoulder, increasing base damage, damage increases per level, and NP cost, etc.
- Type VI and VIII relate to the legs, increasing the chance to stun enemies, or increasing damage based on the character's Qing Kung level (a Kungfu with high agility), etc.
- Type I, III, VII and IX offer attributes per level, and provide special effects such as damage range +1.
- Type V sits in the center of the grid, deciding the school, such as Taoist or Buddhist, level and star-level.
2) Kungfu Breakthrough. Successful breakthrough increases the damage, level and star-level.
For example, Extant Dragon Palms is only an 8-level Kungfu for missing three moves. If players can recover the three moves from breakthrough, the star-level should be increased without a doubt.
Kungfu with higher potential is more suitable for breakthroughs.
First, choose the Kungfu you want to breakthrough:

Next, choose four traits. Please note that the four traits chosen for the breakthrough will be removed:

Descent of Divine Kungfu

Divine Kungfu refers to 10-level Kungfu. Kungfu can become Divine Kungfu with breakthroughs, and will thus be marked as divine:

We've also made various attempts to create distinctive characters. Here are some drafts.

New Jianghu stories and characters are coming up in the official release.
We also met challenges in designing certain characters, as we wanted them to be iconic and fit their stories perfectly.

Well, we know that you're eager for the portrait of Nightfox Ye, but we decided to do this later, as we hope to give our all in designing her when the time comes!
The design process has had its ups and downs, yet it's all worth it. In the end, we aim for the best effects of illustrations and narratives for all the players to immerse themselves in the complex relations, love and hatred between the Jianghu characters.
Even though it has taken a considerable amount of time, we hope to provide everyone with an immersive and rich experience in the vast world of Kungfu!

And finally, if you're interested... The background image in the Kungfu Invention menu takes its inspiration from the Suzhou astronomical chart, engraved on stone between 1078 to 1085 (during the Northern Song Dynasty). It is said that the chart was drawn by Huang Shang, a renowned literary figure and poet during the Northern Song Dynasty, also known as Mian Zhong (his zi, "字"), Yan Shan and Zi Xuan Weng (his hao, "号").

This is still subject to verification, and you can do some research if you're interested.

Also, we attach a wallpaper featuring Grandmaster Freewings of Kongtong Clan.

The illustration draws inspiration from a classic film character. Can you recognize who it is?

Finally, wishing all of you a year brimming with prosperity, good health, and genuine joy.
We will see you in 2024!