1. Botany Manor
  2. News
  3. Patch 1.0.2

Patch 1.0.2

Hey botanists! We’re so happy to see you all enjoying Botany Manor!

Thank you all for communicating and reporting issues, we have fixed up a bunch and listed them below. Please understand we are a very small team and are still addressing other issues, which will roll out in due time.

Full list of fixes:

* Replaced ‘move up’ with ‘move down’ on the tower lever.
* Added a collider to the kitchen wall so the interaction dots of the scale weights don’t see through.
* Some localisation fixes.
* Make sure saving doesn’t happen while sitting down, causing a potential locked player state on resuming the game.
* Fix a typo in the letter from Arabella’s sister in the Flower Room.
* Fix a typo on the squirrel card in the Boat House.
* Make sure the letter lock is correctly localised in Traditional and Simplified Chinese at the start of the game.
* Trigger the plant growth achievement after growing a plant, so players with missing achievements can trigger it even after completing the game.
* Added a chapter select to main menu, so you can easily restart/replay a chapter. This should help currently soft-locked players while we work on more fixes.
* Fix an issue where the Formal Garden key would be missing when resuming the game, if it was not picked up in previous session.