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RoboSquare News

v2.3.2 POQ Quarters Fix

- fixed in-game customization purchases with the cross-game Quarters currency


Just wanted to take the time to tell everybody who has interacted with RoboSquare a happy holiday! I'm very proud of our team (Kostia and I[Griffin] for working our way through and making a finished (not perfect but still great) product. Our main goal was to make something entertaining enough for people to have fun, whether it be playing alone, or creating a fun memory with friends and family. As we decided to go Free-To-Play, this took any and all Ideas of profit away but gave the community an easy way to invite all their friends to get on. So I hope you all really do appreciate our work, and maybe if we see any more interest in Robosquare continue working on it.

Thank you all and MERRY CHRISTLER!

Camera Update and Bug Fixes v2.3.1

Thanks to the in-game voting we have fixed a few of the most pressing issues. Thank you all for participating in this new style of development! 🤖

- Vote screen doesn't pop up if user is waiting to join a game (pressed play)
- Camera faces forward if mouse wasn't touched for while
- Added option to look back instantly with the [CTRL] key
- Added Race checkpoints for a better race position calculation
- Added a loading animation when purchasing an item
- Saving customization tab to user preferences so it persists when going back and forth in the menu
- POQ menu adjustment

Hot Fix Update (October 19th)

- Fixed some spelling and capitalization issues
- Added automatic refresh of quarters balance when the game regains focus

RoboSquare V2.3 Update

Hey everyone! Lets get right to the new stuff...

Last time you heard from us we added a decent amount of content, but here is something a little bit different, a new currency! Quarters!

With Quarters comes a new premium way to purchase cosmetics alongside the original scrap currency. To gain access to the new coins all you have to do is open up RoboSquare and login with Pocketful of Quarters (POQ) in the top right corner.

Quarters are a cross-game currency, meaning if you no longer want to spend them in RoboSquare there will be other games in which you can use the same coins to buy cool items. This new addition is made possible by the lovely creators over at POQ.
More about pocketful of quarters here: POQ website

[h3]Community Updates[/h3]
On top of the new currency, we wanted to get a bit more involved with the players in order to help guide RoboSquare into the future. To do this properly we not only added an optional in-game survey that will award you free scrap, but have also created a custom-built discord bot that allows you and others to submit new ideas and features. It will also allow you to see the global feature leaderboards which will dictate the next steps for our development. Here are a few new commands available in our Discord today!

If you have not already, join our discord to keep up with all updates and news from devs or create a new party with a few others! Giveaways and competitions for thousands of scrap are always running on the discord, so don't be afraid to check them out: Click here to join!

Thank you to all that have supported RoboSquare, we hope to see you in one of our matches!

Fizzostia Team 🤖