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Mech Engineer News

Update 63 (Sirius)

Thank you for playing the game and leaving your feedback.

Here is this month's changelog:

  • The game can now load multiple mods at the same time and the loading of LUA states has been optimised
  • Because of the updated system, you can't use the live_path variable to get the path. Now the path is stored in mod_info[v_modid]. v_modid is the second argument in every create() function.
  • Removed the create function for obj_pilot_item.lua
  • Removed the shoot function for test_mech.lua
  • test_mech will use the shoot function from obj_ally.lua
  • The maximum amount of Fulgur can be changed with a new parameter in the balance file
  • Fixed a crash related to the presence of the Create function in the Draw event obj_test_mech
  • Fixed copy/paste crash for mod id when updating mod

  • Resource numbers will start to abbreviate 1000s to a K if they get too high so as to prevent overlaps
  • Tutorial message window increased in size to better fit large texts
  • If the build days in the Production tab are impacted by a debuff, an animated flashing light appears to highlight its importance

  • ///Buffs
  • The purple sword boss has been made more dangerous: its health has been doubled, its armor increased by 5 units, its turning speed upped by 33%, and its missile fire rate is 25% faster. However, the cost of spawning the purple sword boss has been increased from 600 to 650 biomass.
  • Watch out: Fulgur’s AI and spawn rules have been redesigned.
  • The Sagittarius is more likely to hit you as it will reposition better to avoid walls in its line of sight
  • ///Nerfs
  • Mech dig speed reduced
  • Reduced biomass multiplier for infested zones from 5 to 4
  • Reduced the cost of spawning the red sword boss from 300 to 250 biomass
  • Mech stability is 20% less affected by storms in deserts or map cells inside the mega storm meaning you will not need as much impact resistance to enter a storm

  • Bonus fire rate for kinetic weapons from the CPU program has been fixed and works as intended
  • Remove all modules from a mech with one click via the button located on the bottom-left of the construction table

  • At the start of the game, a zone of infested cells appears around the golden sword boss, so the red sword boss won't head in its direction
  • The rules dictating the spawning of the sword bosses at the start of a new game have been changed to make it less possible for them to spot your city early
  • See all city locations on the global map at any time
  • Enemy pool rotation updated to change every in-game week, which will lead to players encountering more monsters that they don’t kill frequently (and fewer monsters that they do kill frequently)
  • Cyborgs will remain in the city after completing the endgame mission

  • When fighting Flos, mechs are less likely to avoid its attacks if they have enough energy shield
  • Fixed kinetic ammo not creating fragments with fragmentation mod during actual battle
  • Mechs stop avoiding Colubra's beam if given a new command, allowing for better control of them
  • See bosses' health all the time in underground bases
  • The Caecilia snake monster can appear in underground bases making for a harder encounter
  • Reduced collision size for missiles, which should reduce the chance of them hitting walls at launch
  • Team up pilots with higher relations in order to improve the ally drone repair perk during combat
  • Ally drone repair no longer repairs all mechs at the same time; they only repair one mech at a time
  • Tornadoes should no longer appear on top of your mechs, but it is still possible to appear right next to them, so be careful
  • Enjoy ten new map variations for each of the ten terrain types, increasing the total of regular maps available to 220.
  • Watch out for the return of enemy turrets: maps with shuttle parts will contain 15 turrets whose type depends on the map terrain

  • Improved descriptions for the processor programs
  • Fixed a bug with mechs disappearing when dragged from the battle preparation screen to the engineering menu
  • Storm effects should no longer mysteriously appear in underground maps
  • Fixed missing text popup in the underground base about nearby bosses
  • Removed the ability to re-launch the shuttle for the endgame cutscene
  • Removed the appearance of Titanus Centipeda in the underground base when re-entering the cell where it was destroyed
  • Lowered the amount of effects generated from dealing high damage to Titanus Centipeda to reduce lag
  • Fixed FPS drops in some rare situations like when too many enemies are grouped together behind a wall and a mech is trying to find the nearest visible target
  • Removed the ability for red sword bosses to spawn on top of special missions and fixed the additional biomass coming from these cells even if the player already cleared them
  • The global map should display coordinate numbers on the global map properly instead of shifting about
  • Pilots should appear on the correct visual layer when clicked and dragged about the screen
  • Alien cults should stop appearing in your city after completing the endgame
  • Updated Castle mech texture for both its research node and combat
  • Updated leg animations for mechs in combat
  • Added four-legged animation for the Castle in combat
  • Fixed red lines of the nuclear strike going outside of the global map screen

If your save files are not working correctly or something has broken with this update, please use the oneversionback branch, leave a message in the forums or join the Mech Engineer Discord to get support in the #bugs channel.

Update 62 (Lalande 21185)

Thank you for playing the game and leaving your feedback.

Here is this month's changelog:

  • The repair minigame has been given icons that represent each pip of damage that needs repairing
  • Increased the visibility of the "Do not show again" checkbox for tutorial popups
  • Mouse over buttons in the post-battle statistics menu to highlight them
  • Banner art showing the terrain of your next battle deployment will look more distinct since the blue-colored animated overlay has been removed

  • ///Buffs
  • increased frequency of enemy artillery by 20%
  • Operarius health value increased from 12 to 13
  • Biomass growth on map cells with enemy bases increased by 25%
  • Increased the explosive area of effect of enemy missiles by 70%

  • Mouse over buttons when configuring a weapon for tooltip descriptions
  • The fragmentation weapon module has been reworked. It no longer reduces the weapon's armor penetration stat. Projectile speed is reduced by 30%. Kinetic projectiles will no longer ricochet with this module if they fail to penetrate enemy armor. If kinetic projectiles penetrate, they will be destroyed to create fragments. Fragments have the same armor penetration as the projectile, instead of half the value as before.
  • Placing wires in the power circuit menu plays a satisfying sparking sound

  • Updated stats for the starter set of mechs in the Hangar to make fresh campaign runs slightly easier
  • A new giant boss called Monstrum has appeared; it has its own purple sword icon on the world map
  • Deploy up to eight mechs on missions – scroll through tabs with the wheel on the left in the battle preparation menu.
  • A sound effect will play when dragging and dropping mechs into battle preparation slots
  • Don't be reliant on your favorite squad – some pilots may take the weekends off forcing you to use crew that might not be as experienced
  • When a district gets damaged, it also can kill pilots since they now travel across districts in real-time
  • Always have some components for your city on hand – damage to your city is doubled when you have none
  • Overall game time has been extended to make it more likely to visit unique map cells and encounter bosses. Each new space shuttle part will spawn further away from you.
  • If you manage to reach the endgame by launching the shuttle, and you wish to keep playing, the following happens: scientists are capped at 999, engineers are capped at 25 (or in the form of robots if created beforehand), modules will no longer take up more than one slot in the production queue, and population from the city stats is removed.

  • Tornadoes disappear after reaching the edge of the map during battle
  • Destroy tornadoes with artillery or missiles – a tornado has a 50% chance to disappear upon contact with an explosion
  • Tornadoes change the flight direction of projectiles they come into contact with instead of shifting them
  • Objects will no longer move inside a tornado when the game is paused
  • The C-RAM aux module for mechs will no longer target enemy missiles behind walls
  • Enemy missiles will create an explosive effect upon contact, much like player missiles. This effect can damage walls, mechs, aliens and tornadoes. They deal less damage underwater.
  • Doubled the duration for how long battle screen notifications stay on screen
  • Stealing resources from Colubra is harder because they only drop them on death, instead of at spawn
  • Maps that start with 50 Ovum will try to maintain that number if the number of Ovum drops below 50 – another Ovum will spawn every three seconds if there are fewer than 50 of them.
  • Underground enemy bases have been updated. You can instantly teleport to another cell if there are no enemies on the map and no bosses near your map cell. In addition, killing the equivalent of the purple sword boss in the center of the labyrinth will be considered a win condition. Doing so will clear this cell on the world map.

  • Robotization research node overhauled: instead of consuming 20% of the city's energy, you are given the ability to manually create engineers in Production
  • Various spelling corrections and grammar changes in the base manual
  • Added a mention of the weapon testing chamber in the base manual
  • Fixed an issue where pilot cabin toy arrangements would disappear after reloading the game
  • Gibs will have different flight speeds when created rather than a default value across the board
  • Clicking RMB to clear away notes from after battle or inspecting pilots should no longer unintentionally leave exclamation marks on the world map
  • For modders: function create() for obj_battle_map script has been moved to the last line, creating the opportunity to change starting values
  • Empty slots between mechs in battle will no longer break the stats interface of all further slots
  • The graphical bug associated with repeatedly saving a mech's paintjob has been squashed
  • Incorrect text alignment issue when exiting from battle to the main menu has been resolved
  • Select single mechs during battle by shift+number – this feature now works as intended

If your save files are not working correctly or something has broken with this update, please use the oneversionback branch, leave a message in the forums or join the Mech Engineer Discord to get support in the #bugs channel.


  • Tail of Titanus Centipeda should no longer appear on top of your mechs after entering the room from top or bottom in the labyrinth
  • Digging deep should become easier with added percentage damage to walls based on their maximum hp.
  • Pathfinding changed so mechs will be less likely to turn away when reaching the last wall while digging
  • Reduced the width of ballistic projectiles
  • Shooting near walls should no longer be an issue
  • Fixed a game crash associated with the use of the shrapnel weapon mod
  • The picked-up reactor module will be centered on your cursor to avoid problems with its placing
  • Colubra laser will gradually destroy walls instead of instant
  • Fixed missing text in the eng ini file for the ammunition tooltip in battle. [context] battle_ammo=””
  • Added avoiding slowdown zones for AI in x2 time speed up

Update 61 (Wolf 359)

Thank you for playing the game and leaving your feedback.

Here is the changelog:

  • Language mods can use É, Ú, Í, Ó, Á, and Ñ characters that have been added to the game's Latin font
  • Mod support has been added to the game but it is very early in development - a short guide.
  • Resource counters at the top of the screen will update more quickly than before
  • The art for the Castle mech has been given a new look
  • See a mech's loadout with additional info by mousing over icons in the mech card not only during battles but also in other menus
  • Not sure whether you should click on something during combat? Hover your mouse cursor over on-screen elements to see information pop-ups
  • Check your current keybinds by pressing Escape
  • Get more information on your city's needs by hovering your mouse cursor over the stats in Hangar > Calendar
  • Allow cursor to go to another monitor in fullscreen and restrict the aspect ratio from the new launch menu options (previously you had to manually edit a settings config file)

  • ///Buffs
  • Railgun spread reduced from 4 degrees to 1 degree, improving the accuracy
  • Railgun damage and armor penetration gain from energy has been increased significantly
  • Initial projectile speed of railgun has been doubled
  • Increased the lifetime of explosive shells by 10%
  • Reduced Tentacle mech's weight from 73 to 65
  • Reduced Tentacle mech's base reload time from 4 to 1
  • Explosive ammunition explosion damage doubled
  • The speed limit for projectiles has been removed, which led to low damage and armor penetration when using a mod with increased projectile speed
  • Rocket flight duration has been increased by 10% longer
  • Kinetic and thermal projectiles will properly damage multiple enemies within the same game tick, which leads to increased damage against clusters of enemies
  • Toxin sprayer damage increased from 3 to 4
  • Toxin sprayer projectile speed increased from 7 to 9
  • Removed gun recoil for all energy-dependent kinetic weapons
  • Plasma gun research time reduced from 20 to 14 days
  • Plasma gun projectile starting speed has been increased from 5 to 7
  • Number of scientists required for Tesla node in Research has been reduced from 100 to 50
  • Bjorn cost for a flamethrower has been reduced from 160 to 100
  • Flamethrower production time reduced from 3 to 2 days
  • Toxin sprayer production time reduced from 4 to 3 days
  • Toxin sprayer production cost in Skalaknit has been reduced from 150 to 90
  • ///Nerfs
  • Railgun rate of fire reduced from 200 to 20
  • Railgun weight increased from 24 to 40
  • Railgun energy consumption increased from 30 to 50
  • Railgun base damage and armor penetration has been set to 0
  • Railgun rate of fire no longer depends on energy
  • Increased Plate mech's reload time from 3 to 4
  • Increased Plate mech's weight from 50 to 60
  • Reduced Tentacle mech's base ammo amount from 1 to 0.5
  • Reduced the knockback effect of explosions on Operarius
  • Toxin sprayer spread increased from 5 to 10 degrees, reducing the accuracy
  • Plasma gun production time increased from 4 to 5 days
  • Plasma gun production cost in Munilon has been increased from 110 to 180
  • Research time for Tesla node has been increased from 4 to 8 days
  • Railgun production time increased from 3 to 5 days
  • Tesla weapon production time increased from 3 to 5 days

  • Dismantle any items in the production queue to refund resources with the new "Dismantle" button in Production
  • Fixed the bug with armor disappearing after loading a punch card onto a mech that already had armor

  • Resource grinders take note: the number of Brucus encounters available within one day persists across multiple encounters for each map type
  • Changed the spawn behavior of red and gold sword icons on the map; they were appearing either too close to the city or to each other, leading to random difficulty spikes at the start
  • Reduced District 4's production of artillery shells from 0.5-1-4-9-16 to 0.5-1-3-5-9

  • Depth charge research node added for city artillery - destroy enemies and open passages underwater
  • Ovums have been given a tentacle texture that connects them to the ground
  • Desert maps will always be affected by storms, similar to map cells affected by the global mega storm
  • Storms have been upgraded - all objects caught up in storm-afflicted maps will be moved in the direction of the wind for two seconds with a break of 10 seconds
  • Mech AI changed to be less likely to get stuck inside walls
  • Walls get tougher the deeper they are within terrain
  • Watch your step - volcanic meteorites have doubled in size
  • Tundra maps have a snow texture that helps distinguish them visually from others
  • Mechs will more often get into an optimal position for long-range shooting after reaching a destination
  • Tornado size doubled to make them look more scary
  • Both mechs and Operarius will circle inside bigger tornadoes
  • Tornadoes will have a 50% chance of disappearing when changing direction, allowing mechs trapped inside to escape

  • Changed the weights of monsters in the bestiary to make them more believable
  • Various spelling corrections in English localization
  • Fixed a crash related to the Orbital Gun map and Fragellum trying to grapple the gun with their tentacles
  • The rare error in line 2986 may or may not be fixed; let me know in the discord's #bugs channel if it reappears
  • Returning a mech from the Hangar to Engineering should not reset the ammo ratio if the mech has an auxiliary C-RAM module installed
  • Boss health will no longer extend outside the display circle in the regular battle screen view
  • Fixed exploit with an endless buff for energy weapons: swapping weapon modules with another module will no longer save the temporary wiring settings from the weapon test chamber
  • The hospital pipe texture is back; it disappeared due to a bug with cyborg research
  • Improved memory and particle clean up after battles
  • Fixed huge versions of weapons not receiving the correct increase in weight and energy consumption
  • Adjusted the volume of gun sounds and order bark to better hear shots in the distance
  • Corrected text on page 12 of the base manual about the type of damage received after blocking an attack with armor
  • More tutorial popups have been added to the post-mission window and Calendar
  • Fixed a bug with projectiles ignoring targets in front of the mech and teleporting behind them
  • Reduced the number of gib spawns from artillery strikes that was affecting performance (this was purely a visual effect)
  • Titanus Araneus' long range pull attack has been given a tentacle texture

If your save files are not working correctly or something has broken with this update, please use the oneversionback branch, leave a message in the forums or join the Mech Engineer Discord to get support in the #bugs channel.

Attention humans!

I'm alive, and still working on the game.
Got sick, but recovered.
The next update will include mod support and a lot of changes.

Thank you for your attention!