1. Poop On 2020 Simulator
  2. News
  3. A LIMITED-TIME EVENT To Celebrate Non-Denominational Holiday Festivities

A LIMITED-TIME EVENT To Celebrate Non-Denominational Holiday Festivities

Greetings and Happy Holidays to the DOZENS of folks out there who have pooped on 2020. It's been a wonderful ride this year, but it's not done yet!

I was playing Red Dead Online and they had a special event where there was snow everywhere. Well, you know what, I could do better! Triple A game studios aren't the only ones who can add completely cosmetic updates to their games! I can too! Prepare for a minor update that will blow your socks off!

I've updated POOP ON 2020 SIMULATOR in the following manner:
  • SNOW flurries down and melts away, just like Mother Nature intended.
  • Changed the music to be a totally holiday themed with SLEIGH BELLS.
  • Figured out how to add DEPTH OF FIELD when you go to the menu screen... oh, the REALISM.
  • Audio balance tweaks because WHY NOT.

Additionally, I started to lay down the foundation for the next FREE UPDATE that will happen on NEW YEARS EVE when the clock strikes 12am PDT, and the WORST YEAR EVER is finally over!

If you have fix requests, just let me know at [email protected].
May your poops be swift and comfortable,

GAME Games