1. Insect Adventure Demo
  2. News
  3. 12/4/20


Part of a huge coding overhaul I'm finishing up before working on the penultimate bosses of the final game. It's almost finished but there seems to be a lot of "whack a mole" type of issues where one thing gets fixed and I immediately notice more. The game is slowly but surely getting into a less janky state, for sure.

-Rolling and web swinging are a lot smoother
-Wall jumping has more polish and has a heftier feeling to it
-Hammer pogo is a lot more stable and doesn't require you to hold both Jump and Attack to use
-Pause menus have been redesigned and use a lot less memory
-You only have to use the Left and Right movement keys/buttons to switch menus
-Map menu is it's own separate menu, accessed with the escape key or the button to the left of the pause button on a controller.