1. Insect Adventure Demo
  2. News
  3. 12/12/20


-Made walljump and web swinging movements a lot smoother
-Fixed Mantis and Spore Dragon's AI
-Enemies can now drop consumables
-Text appears at the bottom of the screen when you get an item with cutscenes off, or grab a dropped consumable
-You can now see what an item does before you buy it
-All that needs polishing left are the second two bosses, the cutscenes, and the achievements on this demo.

Here's my gameplan for the coming months:
-Finish the above and push out a final update for the demo.
-Focus on the endgame bosses, make the game finishable.
-Finish all the art for the later game cutscenes.
-Go back and provide polish in the later game areas.
-Polish all the rest of the bosses.

Once that is done the game will be ready for release. But I won't be finished once the full game releases. I have plans for additional game modes and mini campaigns, such as a boss rush and randomizer. The first release of the demo was really rushed and I felt kind of embarrassed once I looked into it, but I hope that those who stuck around have noticed an improvement of the quality of the game as time goes on. I hope those of you who are enjoying the game now are having as much fun as I am turning this into a polished, finished product!