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Durka Simulator News

Goodbye 2023, hello 2024

[h3]Greetings to all those who thought the developer was dead, to the rest of you, hi as always.[/h3]

Here is the end of 2023, it was the most difficult year for the game, as I didn't touch it much and only two months ago made an update in the graphics with my drawings, for you I prepared a New Year's decoration for the game in Steam and VK Play, the skins will appear in the game in a couple of days with the new patch, as you understand I'm back to the development of the game and will share moments of development in our group VK, on the server Discord and Telegram channel.

New character variations for the new year:

In the new year, I hope to release the entire first episode before the end, but it won't be without your help! There will definitely be votes on character concepts and other important details. That's it for me, thanks to everyone who continues to follow the updates, have a great new year and see you soon.

Welcome to 0.4.1!

[h3]Hello everyone, with you again the developer of this game Xrisofor![/h3]

In a few days I'm releasing the first fix of the 0.4.0 update, something I changed and something I removed. Thanks for continuing to play and share information about the game! Expect further updates and news in the VK group or on the Discord server. I will continue to make updates and you can check out the list of changes below.

[h3]List of changes:[/h3]
  • Added social network icons to the main menu
  • Fixed an issue with some achievements
  • New achievements (maybe some still don't have their icons)
  • Fixed some bugs and errors
  • Possible workshop fix

Welcome to 0.4.0!

[h3]Hello everyone, with you again the developer of this game Xrisofor![/h3]

I have released what I think is the biggest update for the game yet, you can now access a small part of the continuing story in the airplane, as well as a redesigned beginning and some importance of your choices. This update is not complete, so it may be missing some parts that I have planned for the future. Expect further updates and news in the VK group or on the Discord server. I will continue to make updates and you can check out the list of changes below. Good luck everyone and have a good start to the new school year, which starts in 10 days.

[h3]List of changes:[/h3]
  • Completely new sprites
  • Added scene inside the airplane
  • Added items
  • Temporarily removed English language
  • Updated the game code and reworked the combat system
  • Added more sounds and some music
  • New achievements (some may still not have their own icon)
  • Added video inserts when showing memes for cryptic
  • Added action selection

Unexpected news

[h3]Hello all, here is the developer of this legendary game Xrisofor![/h3]

I want to remind you that the game is not dead, but still in development. Let me show you a little bit of what is behind the scenes of my computer and chair.

As you can see now I am in the process of completely redesigning the game, after which I will begin to redesign, update and add story. Thank you to everyone who keeps waiting and playing the game. I would really appreciate it if you would PR the game.

I certainly don't have a lot of time right now because of The Durka: You will (not) die, but I will try to release this update by the end of the summer (maybe). So stay tuned to the VK group or Discord!

Now let's take a little look at the redesign of the characters. This is still a prototype, and it's quite possible that I'll change something else...

I also want pizza...

Now I plan to add to the game a sequel to the first episode, and after proceed to develop a second, but I want to ask if I make a separate DLC where there will be a full version of the game with access to all episodes for $0,99-2,99 you buy it (or a discount)?

By the way, the game will have a bunch of new achievements and secrets with them! So don't miss out.

Hey, Mysterious asked me to show you something... ("Documenta's" secret technique)

With you was your humble servant Xrisofor, thank you all.