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Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon News

Patch Notes 0.6d

Hey there travellers! Here's a quick note with few changes we made :)

  • Less unexplainable crashes of the game, especially upon exiting dungeons
  • Some optimizations related to CPU (people with GPUs stronger than CPUs should see improvement in the game’s performance and stability)
  • The grass will be greener (and more dense), and there will be more variety in vegetation – new trees, bushes, and so on
  • ui should no longer have low resolution elements on low graphics settings
  • Npcs should now navigate around large vegetation

December update - Cuanacht is almost here!

Hey, everyone!

Since it’s the holiday season and most of you are probably busy with last-minute shopping and trying hard not to lose their minds after hearing “Last Christmas” and “All I Want For Christmas Is You” for the millionth time, we’re going to keep this update rather brief! :)

So, first of all, you can expect a small - but really significant at the same time! - patch in January.

It’s one of these crazy things about game development that our patch notes for the upcoming update/fix are essentially three bulletpoints… and yet we’ve spent A LOT of time working on it. There’s just so much stuff happening behind the scenes that it’s sometimes hard to even describe it properly. But let’s try!

[h2]What to expect in January[/h2]

Over the past few months we’ve noticed that some of you were experiencing very weird, yet very specific crashes – these are edge cases that stem from the middleware we use for vegetation. So, if the game was crashing for you over the past few months, there’s a high chance that for really crazy reasons that my non-technical brain won’t understand… our trees & grass are to blame ;D

In order to address it we’ve finally done what we were joking we’re going to do for the past four years – we’ve started creating our own vegetation system. As you can imagine, this takes a lot of time and effort – but we’ve finally arrived at version 1.0 of the said system and we’re really happy that it happened. One of the greatest benefits of this is that we’re not reliant – or “at the mercy” – of middleware we have no control over ;)

In short, thanks to this and some further work,you should see three things in the game in January:

  • Less unexplainable crashes of the game
  • Some optimizations related to CPU (people with strong GPUs and weak CPUs should see improvement in the game’s performance and stability)
  • The grass will be greener (and more dense), and there will be more variety in vegetation – new trees, bushes, and so on

[h2]Upcoming Things[/h2]

Obviously, this wasn’t the only thing that we were working on for the past months – the entire team is simultaneously building an entirely new region of the game.

We’re moving north of Horns of the South into what those of you who played the board game might remember as Cuanacht.

However, we’re not rebuilding what’s already been done in the board game – we’re building an entirely new storyline with new locations and interpretations on top of some motifs that you’ll know or remember from the original. This means that, yeah, you’ll be able to meet Beor or Ailei – but they’ll be rather… different from the characters you may remember from your board game campaigns ;)

The town of Cuanacht will be only the beginning. It’s going to work as a hub, too – you can expect a lot of other places to visit and find on the map, because we’re still keeping to our design idea that density is more important than a large (but empty) map. So, the new region itself will be a little bit bigger than the first region you can play in our currently published Early Access release, but it will contain A LOT of new, cool places to explore.

We’ll be sharing more info about the new region in the coming months :)

>>> ATTENTION! Be aware that this is an early version of the region and it’s still very much a work in progress. Things will look a lot better at the time the update goes live.

[h2]Some other upcoming improvements[/h2]

There’s a lot of different stuff going on, of course. Most of it isn’t exactly newsworthy – for example, we’ve finally prepared smaller alchemy stations (because it was weird to see those huge tables full of alchemical components in the open world) – and we’re constantly fixing bugs, and so on…

However, there’s one really nice thing we’ve spent some time on and we’re really proud of it – improved character models. We’ve finally managed to devote time to setting up our characters properly, mainly fixing their body proportions and approaching this topic with more care and thought than before (gaining more control over how NPCs and enemies in the game will look in the end).

In short, this means that you can expect more variety in body shapes and postures in the game! Also, we’ve improved some tools in the meantime, and it seems that we’ll be able to squeeze better quality out of textures used for our characters – comparisons below!


So, that’s all of our update this month – you can expect a bug-fixing patch in January and more info on our progress every month.

For now, though, we’d like to wish y’all happy holidays and a happy new year!


Nominate Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon in the Steam Awards 2023!

Hey everyone,

The Steam Awards 2023 are underway and it would mean the world to us if you could nominate us in one of the categories.

As far as early access RPG titles go, we think that Fall of Avalon, in no small part thanks to its Tainted Grail legacy, does pretty well when it comes to the story aspect. That's why we decided to go for the Outstanding Story-rich Game category of the awards. So far, what's in the game is just a taste of what's to come in terms of lore, story and quests, but we think that what's already there is not too bad.

If you share that opinion and think that Fall of Avalon's lore and story are good enough to be deserving of a nomination, we'd be super grateful if you could click that button and give the game a chance in the Awards!

Have fun playing Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon and casting votes during the event!

Hotfix patch 0.6b

Hey everyone,

Today brings about another bunch of hotfixes to the latest version of the game. This one's largely a technical one, but for anyone interested, we're posting a detailed breakdown anyway.

First of all - we think we found the solution to an error that a lot of you have been getting shown as 'Save Corrupted'! Some saves that showed as corrupted should also launch now. Please let us know if you keep experiencing this issue, even after updating the game.

And if you're into the nitty and gritty, here's the rest of the fixes that have been implemented:
  • Fixed items of dead npcs not being discarded with their bodies (this should decrease save duration and size relative to playtime)
  • Fixed couple cases of story killing npcs breaking saves
  • Fixed errors caused by applying statuses to exploding barrels
  • Improved logging in certain critical pathways
  • Fixed jumping/glitching up and down of idle npcs
  • Fixed lumbering station breaking upon saves at certain stages
  • Fixed various other errors invisible to the player
  • File verification will now only run once per version update

By the way, a reminder - Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon is still 20% off!

As always, let us know in the comments or the discussion board if you have any questions and don't forget to join our Discord server and sign up to our mailing list!

Enjoy your weekend (on Avalon, hopefully)!


Stats from your playthroughs, hotfix patch 0.6a and 20% discount!

Hey everyone,

We’ve got 2 things to share with you today. The first one is a good bunch of fixes in the newest 0.6a patch. It fixes quite a lot of stuff that you’ve reported since Judgement of the Excalibur was released, so be sure to read what’s been fixed in the bottom part of the post.

The second thing we wanted to share with you - and we’d like to start off with that - is our gratitude. The 0.6 patch was released to great reception and we’re super happy about that. We wanted to say “Thank you!” from the whole team engaged in the development of Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon. Right now, our recent reviews are 91% positive and we're rocking an impressive 81% positive reviews overall. Today, as a way of thanks, we would like to share some interesting statistics from the game in form of a video:


For those of you who prefer to just look at the raw data, here it is, along with some extra numbers for some things you might expect, and some real out of the box ones. Grab your sword, pop a potion, mount that horse of yours and take a look:

Hopefully this was as fun and interesting for you to look at these numbers as it was for us to discover how you’ve been playing the game. This is not all fun and games (although it kinda is), though - we’ll be using the data to change the game for the better, as well, so one more final time - thank you! Oh, almost forgot…

Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon is now 20% off, too!

Moving on to the patch notes. The feedback you’ve been giving us helped us a ton and we’ve managed to make some improvements that should improve your journeys through Avalon. As we plan and work on the next area we have worked on this patch at the same time, and it comes with various fixes of issues that have been reported by you along with improvements and some QoL changes.

Here’s what’s been fixed, improved and added:

[h2]Breaking issue fixes[/h2]
  • Fixed case of corrupted saves caused by npc death while unloaded.
  • Fixed case of loading stuck on black screen when re-entering building with an active guard due to a crime committed
  • Fixed freeze after loading save inside Wyrdness
  • Fixed issue with in game buttons and levers not responding
  • Added file verification on game start
  • A lot of issues were happening due to steam corrupting game files. The game will now warn you if a corruption is detected

  • Limited number of CPU threads for better performance (high thread count CPUs) from our tests cpus with higher thread count had a very heavy hit to fps without this

  • Necromancer gives correct spell to the player
  • Quest One Percent - quest markers should now display correctly
  • Morris and Rhosyn should be at correct positions during the "branded and exiled" quest
  • Some villagers should now run away during combat
  • Added missing localization for equipped items during dialogue

  • In controls settings player can now choose between "Hold" and "Toggle" input type for Sprint, Walk and Crouch actions
  • Arrows now auto-equip to loadouts when picked up
  • Stolen ingredients are correctly taken into consideration when crafting
  • Extended range of Camera Sensitivity setting slider
  • Added auto selecting currently tracked quest in the quest log

  • Rested and Well Rested statuses are no longer able to be applied at the same time
  • Fixed wrong items being dismantle results
  • Changed combat arena in Blood Lake
  • Healing potions now display correct values in Polish
  • Changed summon compass markers
  • Fixed not disappearing loot ui in some cases
  • Handled displaying failed quests
  • Fixed not disappearing custom marker on the map ui
  • Fixed not clickable Close prompt in save/load ui
  • Fixed italic font in bug reports window
  • Added additional info about generic food "+X" in the inventory
  • Fixed overlap of item titles in relic results tooltip
  • Fixed and improved UI hero rendering on Character Sheet
  • Updated background of items in containers
  • Updated Hero Storage UI layout
  • Fixed issue with NPCs performing the same animation in the Village
  • Fixed displaying effects gained from talents (mysterious hand symbol)
  • Fixed game speed bug after repeatedly using Temporal Hold
  • Fixed enemy weapon duplication

An issue that we are still working on is the freeze that randomly happens upon returning to the open world from dungeons. We are rewriting the rendering of the game's vegetation that is causing the issue. The rewrite will allow us a larger variety of vegetation for the new region, possibly improving performance along the way, and fix the issue. Unfortunately, due to the size of the rewrites we still need some more time.

That's it for today. Cheers!
