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Frontiers Reach News

Update to version 1.2.2

Fixed a bug that could cause side mission rewards to not be given.

Phase 3 - Clean up, tweaks, and Demo Redeploy

This is a small update that adds the new player wingman voice over along with various tweaks to when NPC voice over is triggered during gameplay.

This update also redeploys the Frontiers Reach Demo which was previously removed because of how Unity was planning to structure their future pricing model. That pricing model has undergone some changes and as such the demo has been tweaked and redeployed.

Phase 3 - Touchdown! Chapter 2 is now Live!


Frontiers Reach Chapter 2 is now live!

For a thorough look at everything that has been added to the game please refer to the past updates in conjunction with the trailer above and the patch notes below. This was a MASSIVE update to the game. Perhaps the single largest update to FR ever.

Below is a list of bug fixes, tweaks, and other additions not listed in the prior updates.

- Conversation box in the CIC will now flash the blue button to indicate that a new conversation is ready to progress.
- The WARMAP now has a news ticker and text box that will tell you what your next objective for Chapter 2 is.
- Cutscene cinematics will now play at key points in your journey, there are currently only 2 with plans to add more.
- Post mission scoring has been update to include a host of new enemies.
- New holotable maps for both previously added and new levels.
- Reworked AI for better difficulty scaling across the entire campaign.
- Added voice over for Lancer Squadron and made tweaks to when they will join a WARMAP fight.
- Added weapon slot names to the HANGAR menu.
- Modified rendering visibility for numerous UI elements to include the waypoint indicator.
- Adjusted tunnel runs on the Frontiers Reach and Bodenga maps to reduce difficulty.
- Changed how the Helm menu displays locations. It will now only show a location if you have a mission there.
- Reworked vessel rescue missions.
- Tweaked the Shuriken Ultra player fighter to better affect it's performance during gameplay.
- Wingman artwork has been update with additional wingmen being added. These new wingmen will be award when you've completed a side quest chain without breaking it.
- Tweaked capital ship voices to reduce volume and repetitiveness.
- Numerous tweaks to artwork to affect better performance across all levels.
- New weather VFX have been to added both the Poseidon's Throne and Astraeus Slumber maps.
- Added 4 new side quests chains for a total of 14 additional side quests that can be obtained through conversations in the GALLEY.

Phase Two - Landing Gear Deployed.

Voice over recording for Chapter 2 is complete!

All of the missions are scripted into the game.

The next 1 to 2 weeks will be spent bug testing the game and getting media ready for release alongside the update. A new trailer is coming alongside cleaning up and updating the store page. A LOT of work went into this update from myself, the voice director, and all the voice actors who contribute to the project as well as some new voices not previously heard in the game.

One of the biggest additions to chapter 2 is the side quests. If you're not careful you could miss them, so make sure you visit the GALLEY throughout the story in chapter 2. These new side quests play out over a series of missions and are played on both familiar and unfamiliar areas of the game. Some of them are playable on locations that only host that side quest so be sure to take in the sights while you're there.

I can't really show off much in this update since doing so would spoil all the story missions I worked on. From this moment forward it's all testing and bug fixing. I appreciate the patience everyone has exercised while I got this together. This is hands down the biggest update to FR in it's entire life cycle.

One thing I can mention though is that everyone should see a significant uptick to performance in the update. I've tweaked as much as I can on the graphics without degrading the visual quality and there has been a noticeable increase in performance on my own machine so far.

See you in the sky soon pilots!

Phase Two - Entering Approach Vector

The next big leap for Frontiers Reach is about to land in the next two weeks. All of the main story voice over is done and ready to go into the game. Scripting out the missions has begun and is coming along nicely. Additionally the systems needed to finally tie in the WARMAP to chapter 2 are complete and the fleet status screen will be making a comeback.

Chapter 2 Status

[h2]Fleet Status[/h2]

The primary idea behind the fleet status is to keep informed of how your effort to build the expeditionary fleet is going. When you answer a distress beacon on a space mission this screen will be updated with the type of vessel you rescued and how that affects your fleet readiness status. While there isn't really a way to lose the larger sort of over arching game that the WARMAP presents the building of your fleet will play a vital role in how you end the game.

[h2]WARMAP Tweaks[/h2]

Some additional bugs have been fixed on the WARMAP as well as tweaks to the experience of the WARMAP.


[h2]Weather Effects[/h2]

Lightning bolts and sound effects have been added to the Poseidon's Throne map in preparation of some additional scenarios to be played on that location.


[h2]Cockpit Artwork[/h2]

More of the early game fighter cockpits have been updated for better visual presentation with tweaks to the hull meshes for each of them.




[h2]The Future of the Frontiers Reach Series[/h2]

When I started working on Frontiers Reach I had a bigger project in the back of my head. One that would require more work and an expanded scope of features to realize. As the end of Frontiers Reach draws near I will begin to slowly transition into working on the next title in the series.


So what is Mercenaries of Frontiers Reach?

Back in 2015 I started working on Frontiers Reach as an intellectual property. That work looked very different from what we see in FR today. The goal was also quite different. In fact, at that time it wasn't even a flight game. And Mercenaries of Frontiers Reach aims to take a step in direction.

My intention for MoFR is to have a 3 player PvE game where you can fly and fight in the skies of alien worlds. From low orbit after you launch from the carrier Fortunes Favor all the way down to the surface of a planet. While the play areas will still be constrained I've already done some experimental work where these contained areas are as large 80x80 kilometers squared. Resulting in a total horizontal play space of about 6400 kilometers. And that's ignoring the additional 80 kilometers of vertical play space to get up to space and back down to a planet. And this will include a mostly seamless transition from space to planet and back again.

Once your in a planets atmosphere you will have the option to fly around and contact control towers to get missions while in flight, or to land at an airfield and get out of the cockpit to talk to locals, get into gun fights with enemies, or explore deep caverns in the surface of nearly each planet that I have planned.

And when it comes to enemies, you won't be fighting the Sol Confederacy anymore. Gone are the days of organized government in the year 2278. In MoFR the frontier worlds are ruled by numerous factions all reaching for power of their own kind. But in the midst of this power vacuum a new enemy does indeed rise.

The Vir. Pronounced Veer

The Veer are a species of humanoid biomechanical aliens that have existed on the galactic stage for thousands of years. So old is their empire that they have numerous mausoleums. Graveyards the size of moons where in they bury their emperors along with their cadre; that they may rise again in times of great need. If you've been paying attention to the lore and getting to know the characters of FR, then you already know of one of these mausoleums.

When the Vir come on to the scene it will be up to you to unite those factions you can to bring as much of the human race to stand against the alien onslaught.

But that is another story for another time. For now, I must return to wrapping up Frontiers Reach.