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  2. News
  3. New Major Patch is here! New Dungeon Zone, Challenge Mode and a lot more!

New Major Patch is here! New Dungeon Zone, Challenge Mode and a lot more!

Dear friends!

[h3]New Major Patch is here! Check out New Dungeon Zone, Challenge Mode and a lot of improvements! + small announcement of upcoming projects[/h3]

Finally a new update is here and its a huge one! We are excited to announce a new Dungeon Zone, new Challenge Mode, and lots and lots of improvements to our game. Thank you so much for all your comments and reported bugs and we hope that most of them have been resolved with this patch. We have prepared for you a new trailer with a feature summary as well as a detailed list of changes below. But before we get to the long list of improvements, bug fixes, and, above all, the description of the new mode, we wanted to share some interesting news with you.

Soon we will be launching Early Access of our two new titles that we hope will suit your tastes. We are so excited about them and we hope you will be as well. That of course does not mean that we have stopped working on the next updates and improvements for No Place Like Home and you can expect more updates coming in the future!
If you like our work we would appreciate if you checked them out and add them to your wishlists!

Fresh Start Cleaning Simulator

The first game will surely appeal to those who love cleaning in No Place Like Home as the title draws heavily on power washing and vacuuming mechanics. In Fresh Start, you will visit many places from the Icelandic seas, through the Australian plains, to the Japanese gardens and old abandoned Train Station, where you will clean the environment, help distressed animals while restoring nature and each location to its former glory.


Pan'orama is a relaxing and soothing city builder game where you create amazing landscapes using different types of tiles, clean trash, complete tasks and most of all keep discovering the secret structures. Whether you just want to sit, relax and use your imagination to create worlds, follow a story campaign and learn it's secrets or you are looking for challenging puzzles you will find something entertaining for yourself!

That's it for now! Let us know what you think and let's get back to what is most important topic of new Patch.


We did our best to fix all the problems you had with the game and added some features to make the gameplay more rewarding and enjoyable.
These changes apply to the whole game (some of the options are disabled in Challenge Mode)

[h3]Full controllers support[/h3]
We did our best to fix all the problems you had with controllers. We now proudly announce that the game has full controller support!

[h3]Dungeons [/h3]
Explore brand new dungeons full of new enemies (yes, there's something to be afraid of :)), new room layouts where, if you're lucky, you'll find suitcases full of treasures! If you are a risky and explorer, this is definitely something for you.

[h3]Dungeons map has been added[/h3]
New dungeons map allows you to navigate through the depths of the undergrounds - but of course in the challenge mode you can forget about such help :) You have to draw the map in your head.
New Dungeon Zone brings new areas to explore, new puzzles, new shortcuts, new items to find and of course new places to clean for those that still have not got enough ;)

[h3]Quest tracking [/h3]
The Big Arrow leads you. Now quests should be more fun to fulfill, and again - forget about such help in the challenge mode :)
Every time you get a quest a compass will point you to the thing you need to find. Check your journal and you should be able to change the quest it currently tracks. There are several quests that are not tracked by default.

[h3]Basic enemies attack with gas - no more jumping spiderbots![/h3]
Previous attacks often caused some problems so we have changed them into new more thematic ones!

[h3]Roll - a new way of dodging enemies [/h3]
Now you can dodge out of most actions you’re in the middle of. If you’re planning on taking the challenge of the Challenge Mode it’s best you train it, it might be crucial for your survival!

[h3]Ellen responsiveness[/h3]
Now it's definitely more responsive to all controls. We heard your comments and decided to spend a lot of time to make controlling our heroine more fun and much less frustrating!

[h3]Option to disable tooltips [/h3]
Some of you didn’t like the tooltips shown in the game. You can now disable them from showing in the game world in the game options (all hint’s will be visible in shops, journal and inventory at all times)

[h3]Tooltip size change[/h3]
Now they are much smaller. And we hope you will like them as well. We already liked them very much.

[h3]Info about blueprint cost in crafting station & crafting prices in blueprint store [/h3]
Now you can crosscheck how much the item you’re getting the blueprint for is going to cost in the crafting station and vice versa! (might be very useful in Challenge Mode)

[h3]Batteries are now a recyclable material[/h3]
Since you can produce batteries in solar power station there might come a moment when you’d have a bit too much of those. No worries, they’re good for recycling!

[h3]Unused and obsolete quest items are available for recycling too! [/h3]
We found a way to free you from the obsolete quest items - now, when the quest is complete, the corresponding quest items display a small recycle icon, indicating that you can recycle them :)

[h3]Speed buff from food reworked [/h3]
Have you heard that eating gives you a lot of energy? In No Place Like Home, it works exactly the same. If you take it solidly, your stamina will never end. Well .. almost never. Until you get hungry :)
(unlimited stamina as long as food buff is working)

[h3]End game window has been added [/h3]
You have enough? Everything works as it should? The world was saved? Time to leave the planet towards Mars? So let's go.

[h3]Tutorial popups added[/h3]
Not everything is always as easy as it may seem. And here we come to the rescue. Now, pop-ups with helpful information will accompany you on your way through this post-apocalyptic world.

[h3]New Bathroom and Bedroom furniture and tapestry[/h3]
We know how important the design elements of your sweet nest are for you. That is why we decided to significantly expand the portfolio of available elements and now both bedrooms and bathrooms have gained a lot of new elements that we believe will make you feel "at home";)

[h3]Optimisation fixes [/h3]
Optimization is always one of the main goals in game development. So this time we are coming with smaller and bigger changes, and one of the important one is an option to turn off the foliage. It will definitely increase your game speed on slower machines.

[h3]Widescreen support[/h3]
You read well! From now on you can fully enjoy the game even on widescreen monitors. No more clipping or picture in the window. Let the game fill the screen fully.

[h3]Fixed walls in Ellen’s house[/h3]
We have heard about the problems with the walls in your wonderful houses and we have not been deaf to this problem either. From now on, the problem should be completely gone.


It should be much more demanding and should quench the thirst for a harder game for players who enjoy a challenge. Here’s a list of changes that will definitely make your lives harder:

[h3]New economy - everything is more expensive(CHALLENGE MODE)[/h3]
The game economy had a full overhaul so now you’ll need to make more conscious decisions when deciding what and when to buy. Also, you’ll need all the help you can get, so don’t forget to ask Llamas and Cubebots for help!

[h3]Dungeon’s map is disabled (it’s called Hard Mode for a reason!)(CHALLENGE MODE) [/h3]
Dungeons are back, changed and upgraded, but the map is unavailable underground. Navigation should be a challenge in exchange for more resources and shortcuts.

[h3]More enemies, new enemy layout - they are faster and tougher to beat(CHALLENGE MODE)[/h3]
In Challenge Mode all enemies have a tougher skin, faster movement and their setup is different than usual. Be ready and prepare yourself some boosters in the form of healing meals.

[h3]Stun bot (bzzt!) - there’s a new bot on the block(CHALLENGE MODE) [/h3]
It doesn’t do much damage (at first) but if it zaps you, the stun might leave you vulnerable for attacks from other enemies. Stay grounded!

[h3]Stun mechanics have been reworked (CHALLENGE MODE)[/h3]
Now stunning is available only with water hose

[h3]You can sleep only between 6:00 PM and 7:00 AM (CHALLENGE MODE) [/h3]
No time to sleep during the day…

[h3]You lose HP if you don’t sleep at night (12-5 AM)(CHALLENGE MODE) [/h3]
But you need some sleep eventually, everybody needs rest…

[h3]You don’t lose HP if you drink coffee(CHALLENGE MODE) [/h3]

In Challenge Mode you’ll be able to find Coffee seeds, grow your own coffee beans, grind them yourself in a special coffee grinder and have your very own Coffee that will allow you to stay up all night with no health penalty!
First night window will explain all the coffee and sleep mechanics to you - it pops up one time only, at 10:00 AM on the first night (only available in Challenge Mode - don't worry about your casual modes;)

[h3]Superchicken (CHALLENGE MODE)[/h3]
It's damage and behavior has been changed so that it allows for gathering supplies from destroyed cubes - in Challenge Mode every resource counts!

[h3]Superchicken counter got added[/h3]
It clearly shows how many shots are left and that water is disabled until all chicken shots are taken.
One of the birdfeeders is gone from the start of the game, but you can normally buy it’s blueprint and craft it.

We sincerely hope that this update will bring you the best experience with No Place Like Home that you had so far - with the gameplay and game modes you’re familiar with, and the new game mode that some of you asked and waited for.
It’s not the end! The next patch is on it’s way - stay tuned for more!

In the meantime, please give us your feedback on how you like the game, and if you run into any problems please check Steam Discussions page:

or to contact our support team at:
[email protected]