1. Maniac
  2. News
  3. Patch notes (0.9.28)

Patch notes (0.9.28)

I fixed a bunch of issues for Steam Deck. We are also waiting for Valve's verification to give us that nice green checkmark icon!

Also a bunch of other QoS and gameplay fixes - especially aiming.

auto-aim gun aim faster
lowered auto-aim override time

fixed remote detonated bombs persisting through games
fixed giant cursor on mac & linux
fixed max 1 joystick detected

twinstick/gamepad cursor closer
any small fonts made bigger
fixed stats button key icon
stats button will vanish forever is used twice
proper button glyphs for Deck
fixed keyboard glyphs appearing on Deck
fixed stats menu font scales
added HUD scale slider
larger HUD on Deck by default

law enforcement voices are louder
adjusted flamethrower and sniper sound volume
equipment button toggles console in main menu