1. Marble World
  2. News
  3. Patch 1.1.4

Patch 1.1.4

Hey everyone!

Today brings a new patch, introducing signs, bugfixes and more miniblocks!

[h2]More Miniblocks![/h2]
As requested, 9 new blocks are added to spice up your favorite miniblock contraptions! Leaning in on the double lane variants and a special converter piece which can be used to go from a single wide track to the miniblock. (or the other way around)

Also a highly requested item. Now you have access to 3 sign objects (in Decorations -> Props) where you can type text, change it's color and size. Scaling the object scales the text with it, so you can make gigantic signs and tiny post-it notes! Useful for needing to remind yourself what to do. You can also turn them into prefabs of course and paint the signs themselves.

[h2]Patch 1.1.4[/h2]
- Added 9 new miniblocks with double lane functionality.
- Added a special miniblock for transitioning to single wide tracks.
- Added 3 signs, you can type whatever you want on them and set the text size & color.
- Added a toggle for the camera following the newly build freeform track. (in Gameplay Settings)

- Placing a prefab now automatically adds a new group of the placed prefab.
- Subscribed workshop worlds now display the workshop title in the 'Load World' panel, this is to prevent confusion with the workshop item title being different to the actual world name.

- Fixed an issue where the camera wouldn't move to the newly build freeform track when the game was paused.
- Fixed an issue where I forgot to add spawn buttons to the miniblock spawner.
- Fixed an issue where 2 miniblocks had their images swapped.
- Fixed an issue where the race timer text and lapcount would be invisible if it became too large.
- Fixed an issue where marbles who spawned inside a portal would teleport to the wrong location.
- Fixed an issue on the garden map where the greenhouse door had an inaccurate hitbox.

[h2]Other news[/h2]
As you might have seen I'm mostly working on the new game. However this does not mean Marble World will never get updates again. Marble World still responsible for my income, so there's no way I'll be dropping it anytime soon.

Thank you all for your continuous support!

- Rinke
