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Beat Hazard 3 News

Galaxy Messages

V0.394 Update

- I've added the ability to send messages in galaxies. You can send them to all, or just your team.
- I've also added filter buttons in the 'List Events' screen.


Added mothership stats


I've added some stat tracking to the mothership screen. This is work in progress.
Let me know if there are any problems.


Testing Branch Update

Hi all,

I've made an update to the testing branch:

- You can now add boost section 'Extra Life' to the mothership
- You can now add boost section 'Care Package' to the mothership. This drops extra weapon pickups during the track
- I've added a 'Boost' limit so you can't enable all the new boost all at once.

Let me know what you think.

14th Birthday update.

Hi all,

Here's the 14th Birthday update for all 3 Beat Hazard games.

You can now play all the OST music in each of the games.

There's also an awesome 1 hour long remix by Johnny Frizz. (Who will be first to finish it?)

Join me for an AMA on reddit here:

And check out the cool video of Johnny crating the remix:

Thank you so much for all the support all these years, I love you all!

I hope you enjoy the update. Here's to the next 14 years! (What would you like to see?)


Birthday Update on Saturday.

Hi all,

Just a reminder for the Beat Hazard Birthday Update on Saturday 6th April.
6pm BST - 1pm EDT - 10am PDT.

All 3 games will be updated and include:

- All OST tracks from all versions
- A brand new 'Celebrate the Seizures' track by Johnny.
- An Epic 1 hour long Beat Hazard Mega Mix of all the Johnny Frizz tracks.


- A YouTube video of Johnny creating the Mega Mix live.
- I'll be doing an AMA over on Reddit on r/PCGaming & r/IAmA

I hope you can join me.
