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InfraSpace News

Friday Dev News #156 - Inactive Volcano Map

Hello everyone and welcome to the April update!

This time, we have 3 main news for you:

Volcano Map

It's been a long time coming and today we're finally releasing the Volcano Map!

The map is designed to be a little challenge for more advanced players. There is not so much building space and the terrain is very sloped, so you have to be more selective about how you organize your city. This becomes more important in the mid- to late-game as the industries are getting more complex and the layout of your roads matter more.

Localization Update

Most of our translations were done by the community so far, which we are really thankful for! But that also means, that not all localizations were at 100% done all the time. Now that InfraSpace is pretty much done, we worked with a localization company to get the languages with the most players up to snuff. That's why German, Spanish, Japanese, and Russian should be at 100% completion now. French will probably be done with the next update.

Mac Crash Fix

I'm sorry this has been plaguing mac players for a while. There was a crash that could happen sometimes when you upgraded the adamantine mine. If a car was currently on the way to the mine as it upgrades, the car would try to reroute to a building that is no longer valid (because it has been replaced by the new mine stage). This would crash our routing algorithm, something which was graciously ignored by the windows version of the library because of different compile settings.

In any case, it's fixed now, so let us know if you're having any other issues!

As always,
Happy playing!

Friday Dev News #155 - Big Bugfixing Update Released Today!

Hello everyone and welcome to the March Bugfixing Update!

In the last post, I announced that we will take more time for updates from now on. They used to be weekly, now it's around a month or so. Since then, we have fixed a lot of issues, big and small.

The most interesting change is that the worker distribution algorithm has changed now. You can now easily set industries to a certain worker number without the game trying to fill up industries with any remaining unemployed people. What you set, counts.

Also, worker distribution now takes some time. You can see this probably only in large cities if you change hundreds or thousands of jobs at once. This change was made for better performance during normal gameplay.

[h2]Full List of Changes[/h2]
  • Changed the algorithm that distributes workers to jobs
  • Fixed superHighways category sometimes needing two clicks to get selected)
  • Fixed replace/reverse buttons staying on outside of road/rail categories
  • Fixed being able to replace rails w/ roads
  • Fixed missing Japanese letters
  • Fixed collection/distribution center UI buttons having background text
  • Removed car resource from collection/distribution center's resource list
  • Fixed logistics visualization not counting pipes as connections
  • Fixed an issue where deleting a building in district caused an internal issue
  • Fix in encyclopedia entry for districts
  • Fixed bridge piers colliders being too short (not colliding after a certain height)
  • Fixed buildings w/ multiple producable resources not showing missing road connection when it has only 1 pipe
  • Fixed tutorial buttons having "Production" text instead of "Got it"
  • Fixed production panel tutorial throwing not assigned error
  • Updated localization
  • Fixed noAccessToRoad not showing in PowerUpInfoPanel upon having no road connection (for recycling center and soil fertilizer)
  • Fixed moving AOE upgrade buildings not applying their upgrade to their neighbors (for recycling center and soil fertilizer)
  • Fixed producers out of range of collection centers making deliveries to them
  • Fixed gondola connectors throwing NullReferenceException
  • Fixed highlighting a save file's name while renaming it throwing an error

There is a high prio mac issue on our list, we'll address this with the next update. Sorry it didn't make it into this one!

I hope you are having fun playing InfraSpace. Let us know if there is anything else you need fixed.

Happy playing!

Patch 1.35.425 fixes save loading issue

Hello everyone,

in last evenings patch, some players reported a save loading issue.
We fixed it and found it was connected to an issue between collection centers and their connected distribution centers. We also fixed that.

Happy playing!

Friday Dev News #154 - Monthly Updates

Hello everyone and happy new year!

We are back to work and have spent the last week fixing a bunch of more issues here and there.

This is the list:
  • Fix delete save button not working
  • Fix reverse road tool bringing back foliage
  • Fix UI scale slider jittering the graphics settings
  • Fix preview road (road that hasn't been built yet) touching a rail breaking the game
  • Fix spaceship view not showing laser
  • Replace cursor while replacing/reversing roads
  • Fix intersection rings (blue rings) not disappearing after canceling deletion
  • Fix deleting all rails of a train line, which has at least a train, throwing an error
  • Fix collection/distribution centers not disconnecting upon resource change

[h2]Updates now monthly instead of weekly[/h2]

From our 1.0 release on Sept 22nd until christmas we have released updates every week. This was really great for fixing bugs quickly and improving the most obvious quality of life issues.

But it's a lot of extra effort because each week we have to go through some quality assurance testing to make sure we didn't accidentally break anything while fixing a bug!

That's why from now on, we'll release our updates monthly. We are going to spend the whole month fixing this, and improving that, and then do a big QA test where we check the whole game at once.

If you want to help us playtesting or experience new changes early, you can join our discord server and ask to help with playtesting by pinging the @Developer role.

Let us know if there is anything else you need and as always,
happy playing!

Friday Dev News #153 - Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Hello everyone!

Another year draws to a close and it's time to wish everyone Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

In last week's Friday Dev News Post we let you know that we were working on an optimization that we're hoping to finish this week. We are almost done, but it's a deep change, so it carries a bunch of risk. Since the holidays are coming, we thought it's best to not release a deep change like that willy-nilly without proper testing.

For the people who are interested in the technical details:
The optimization improves the algorithm that decides how workers are distributed to each factory based on your prioritizations. On large cities (50k citizens and more), it could take around 30 milliseconds to run. Since there is a lot of moving in and out in these cities, having an extra 30 millisecond calculation in these frames leads to bad stuttering, which we are fixing with this improvement.

If your city is smaller, that distribution algorithm has much less of a performance impact.

Also, because of the holidays, we're going to pause Friday Dev News for 2 weeks for the first time in 3 years of development. We'll be back in the new year with new fixes, improvements and also a handful of new content releases, too.

I also would like to thank the community for their passion and their support. InfraSpace is not the biggest game, and as such we can't work on it indefinitely, but I'm glad that for now we can still work on improving it a little here and there and I'm also glad that you and your support are still part of it :)

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy Playing!