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Entodrive News

Entodrive Community Update #5

[h2]What I've Been Working On :[/h2]
+Added new item instantiator
+Instantiator allows you to enable 1st crew member to follow from your storage
+Entodrive that follow you have a 40% chance to drop a free item every 1 - 2 minutes
+Added walk and idle animations for following Ento
+Added a nav mesh to every map so following Entos have pathing (let me know about bugs)
+Added an accolade section on the storage screen next to your character
+Accolade section let's you know what milestone's you're missing

Find the instantiator and you can enable follow for you Entodrive :

[h2]Note from Dev :[/h2]
Hey everyone! Hope you're doing well and enjoy this update. Entodrive can follow you now! You can get any item as a reward for hanging out with your Entodrive if they find it. They'll drop it on the ground and you'll hear a chime. Hope it helps your farming endeavors. Just wanted to let you know, I'm still making games! Working on an on going comic book superhero platformer on Steam right now! On top of that have been dabbling at a horror game over on my twitter. I appreciate the love and support you have all given Entodrive. It has allowed me to afford to keep doing what I love and bring you these updates from time to time.


Entodrive Community Update #4

[h2]What I've Been Working On :[/h2]
+Did a level rework for Kojo City
+Added a Marina to Kojo City
+Removed some buildings and shuffled objects around in Kojo
+Replaced old unoptimized geometry in Kojo with more optimized terrain
+Updated the battle background for Kojo
+New seasonal event "Conflict at the Marina" in Kojo every September starting now
+New Achievement for partaking in the event
+Rebattle crews from Alder Village as they travel to Kojo by boat
+Win rare items
+Event can be played infinite times through September
+In October the Pumpkin Harvest Event returns!
+In October head to Magic town for a chance to catch multiple starters
+Fixed bug where left and right on the dpad would stop working in some scenes

[h2]Note from Dev :[/h2]
Apologies on the delay for this community update. I had a lot of personal stuff come up that I dont have go into. I will be removing the next update by date for Entodrive. I'm learning a lot about balance and being kind to myself this year after releasing 3 games on my own. Most of my attention going forward will be towards future projects like Spryward, but dont be surprised if you see some Entodrive updates sprinkled out through Spryward's early access. I do have a fun Entodrive related project in the works. Be sure to follow the other games in the Apastron universe for a continuation of the story and hints for the future of Entodrive. My family is getting a Steam Deck this week, so I'll be able to work on specific Entodrive improvements/optimizations for it. Thanks for reading/playing! I hope to update you with some more Entodrive news soon.


Entodrive Community Update #3

[h2]What I've Been Working On :[/h2]
+Added new location Dynamo Sewer
+Added new battle background
+Added Broxa Encounter in Dynamo Sewer
+Added new Crew battles for Dynamo Sewer
+Fixed bug in Alder server tower where wild encounter spawns would reset ownership.
+Fixed bug where Mystical reencounter machine would cycle mysticals linearly and have been switched to randomized.

[h2]What's Coming Next :[/h2]
Next update around 08/01/2022
More battle items
Bug fixes
New Seasonal Event
Event monster guide

[h2]Complete Monster List :[/h2]

Here's a guide on how to upgrade all monsters :

Here's my walkthrough guide for the game's content :

Here's my guide for finding wild encounters by location :

Entodrive Community Update #2

[h2]What I've Been Working On :[/h2]
+Added purchasing interactions for event items
+New shop The Barter Den
+Barter Den deals will cycle based on day of the week.
+Second Floor of the Alder Server Tower is now purchasable at 1k base clay
+6 purchasable modules added for Alder Server Tower
+Server Module 1 : Unrestricted Battle Simulator - Cost : 25 Arrow Heads
+Server Module 2 : Void Rebattler - Cost : 15 Dread Stones
+Server Module 3 : Mystical Rebattler - Cost : 15 Trinket Matrix
+Server Module 4 : Magic Wild Encounter Sim - Cost : 5 Cosmic Cores
+Server Module 5 : Grass Wild Encounter Sim - Cost : 50 Dried Plant Materials
+Server Module 6 : Cryo Wild Encounter Sim - Cost : 5 Frozen Cores
+Fixed bug where music volume was getting reset
+New Achievement for purchasing second floor of the server tower
+Added Missing invisible walls
+Fixed bug on main menu that would erase save if save deletion warning prompt appeared
+Running shoes added bound to left stick press, right bumper, and left shift

[h2]What's Coming Next :[/h2]
Next update around 06/01/2022
More battle items
Bug fixes
New Seasonal Event
More Barter Den Deals
More Server Tower Modules
Event monster guide

[h2]Complete Monster List :[/h2]

Here's a guide on how to upgrade all monsters :

Here's my walkthrough guide for the game's content :

Here's my guide for finding wild encounters by location :

Entodrive Community Update #1

[h2]What I've Been Working On :[/h2]
+Alder Mines added
+Mystical Battle w/ Mammersore
+New server tower in Alder Village is now enterable after completing Time of Crisis Tie-in Event
+2 new server tower instant action machines for lv 50 & lv 60
+Fixed bug where Crew menu & item menu could overlap
+Fixed bug where Forever goons wouldn't spawn in the Cloning Facility
+Added scroll bar to items pause menu
+Added scroll bar to items menu in battle
+Added scroll bar to crew pause menu
+Added scroll bar to ability chart pause menu
+Arrowhead gift event in Python port
+Added missing invisible walls
+Talking to Max Jai in Dynamo now opens the Alder Village Server Tower
+Made new UI graphics for the pause menu
+Improved some UI alignement
+Made some UI text more readable.
+Added more rng loot drops across Cache Isle
+Added more achievements

[h2]What's Coming Next :[/h2]
Next update around 04/20/2022
Second floor Server Tower customization
More battle items
Bug fixes
The Barter Den

[h2]Complete Monster List :[/h2]

Here's a guide on how to upgrade all monsters :

Here's my walkthrough guide for the game's content :

Here's my guide for finding wild encounters by location :